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Group: MBA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
MBA 0.46 0.46 0.11 0.0002 0.0110
Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
MBA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.84 0.57
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 1.00 1.00
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.94 0.80
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.89 0.67
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.85 0.57
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.84 0.57
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.84 0.56
MBA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.88 0.64
MBA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.88 0.63
MBA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.49 0.18
MBA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.77 0.45
MBA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.96 0.84
MBA High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
MBA Single detection detection loss 0.97 0.89
MBA Single pair detection loss 0.97 0.89
Group: NEO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
NEO 0.32 0.32 0.16 0.0062 0.0180
Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Nobj <= 22.0 Nobj <= 25.0 Value At H=22.0
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss -- -- 0.58
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 15730.97 54153.38 0.34
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss -- -- 0.95
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 25414.71 815954.26 0.95
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss -- -- 0.66
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 17901.66 86450.73 0.47
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss -- -- 0.62
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 16760.24 68769.63 0.41
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss -- -- 0.58
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 15833.68 57502.03 0.37
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss -- -- 0.58
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 15756.85 57123.59 0.37
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss -- -- 0.58
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 15890.14 63723.06 0.38
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss -- -- 0.62
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 16958.48 68041.48 0.42
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss -- -- 0.63
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 17080.01 75742.31 0.43
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss -- -- 0.25
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 7117.74 13421.36 0.10
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss -- -- 0.50
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 13713.41 41597.96 0.29
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss -- -- 0.73
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 19678.88 105918.64 0.54
CumulativeCompleteness NEO High velocity pair detection loss -- -- 0.28
DifferentialCompleteness NEO High velocity pair detection loss 7564.46 68541.92 0.25
CumulativeCompleteness NEO Single detection detection loss -- -- 0.77
DifferentialCompleteness NEO Single detection detection loss 20947.15 130677.60 0.60
CumulativeCompleteness NEO Single pair detection loss -- -- 0.78
DifferentialCompleteness NEO Single pair detection loss 20988.39 132725.63 0.61
Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
OCC_r20 0.73 0.72 0.65 0.49 0.17 0.0138
Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
OCC_r20 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.39 0.14
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.85 0.85
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.47 0.19
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.41 0.16
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.39 0.14
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.39 0.14
OCC_r20 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.22 0.05
OCC_r20 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.32 0.10
OCC_r20 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.47 0.19
OCC_r20 High velocity pair detection loss 0.0002 0.0002
OCC_r20 Single detection detection loss 0.50 0.21
OCC_r20 Single pair detection loss 0.50 0.21
Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
OCC_r5 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.67 0.15
Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
OCC_r5 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.93 0.93
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.91 0.89
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.89 0.87
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.70 0.62
OCC_r5 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.87 0.83
OCC_r5 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.92 0.91
OCC_r5 High velocity pair detection loss 0.04 0.04
OCC_r5 Single detection detection loss 0.93 0.92
OCC_r5 Single pair detection loss 0.93 0.92
Group: PHA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
PHA 0.33 0.33 0.15 0.0046 0.0166
Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Nobj <= 22.0 Value At H=22.0
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss -- 0.59
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 2188.66 0.36
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss -- 0.96
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 3505.12 0.96
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss -- 0.68
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 2494.57 0.49
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss -- 0.63
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 2338.76 0.43
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss -- 0.60
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 2215.96 0.40
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss -- 0.60
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 2207.11 0.39
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss -- 0.60
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 2227.63 0.40
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss -- 0.64
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 2369.28 0.44
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss -- 0.65
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 2390.16 0.45
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss -- 0.26
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 973.22 0.10
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss -- 0.52
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 1919.97 0.31
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss -- 0.75
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 2747.24 0.57
CumulativeCompleteness PHA High velocity pair detection loss -- 0.35
DifferentialCompleteness PHA High velocity pair detection loss 1264.97 0.30
CumulativeCompleteness PHA Single detection detection loss -- 0.79
DifferentialCompleteness PHA Single detection detection loss 2913.68 0.63
CumulativeCompleteness PHA Single pair detection loss -- 0.80
DifferentialCompleteness PHA Single pair detection loss 2918.61 0.63
Group: TNO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
TNO 0.67 0.67 0.63 0.60 0.42 0.0038
Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
TNO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.52 0.32
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.91 0.91
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.58 0.44
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.54 0.35
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.50 0.26
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.50 0.26
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.50 0.26
TNO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.52 0.30
TNO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.52 0.30
TNO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.31 0.10
TNO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.45 0.19
TNO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.58 0.42
TNO High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
TNO Single detection detection loss 0.61 0.47
TNO Single pair detection loss 0.61 0.47
Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
Trojan 0.60 0.60 0.0000 0.0000 0.0030
Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
Trojan 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.47 0.0096
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 1.00 1.00
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.62 0.05
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.51 0.0086
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.43 0.0030
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.43 0.0024
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.43 0.0024
Trojan 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.48 0.0040
Trojan 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.48 0.0040
Trojan 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.22 0.0000
Trojan 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.36 0.0004
Trojan 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.64 0.03
Trojan High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
Trojan Single detection detection loss 0.71 0.09
Trojan Single pair detection loss 0.71 0.09
Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
Vatira 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
Vatira 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.18 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.24 0.24
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.10 0.0007
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.08 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.05 0.0000
Vatira 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.16 0.0000
Vatira High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
Vatira Single detection detection loss 0.22 0.0019
Vatira Single pair detection loss 0.22 0.0019