Group: Airmass; Subgroup: All sky

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max airmass for All sky all bands.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max airmass for All sky u band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max airmass for All sky g band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max airmass for All sky r band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max airmass for All sky i band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max airmass for All sky z band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max airmass for All sky y band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median airmass for All sky all bands.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median airmass for All sky u band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median airmass for All sky g band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median airmass for All sky r band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median airmass for All sky i band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median airmass for All sky z band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median airmass for All sky y band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min airmass for All sky all bands.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min airmass for All sky u band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min airmass for All sky g band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min airmass for All sky r band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min airmass for All sky i band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min airmass for All sky z band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min airmass for All sky y band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of airmass for All sky all bands.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of airmass for All sky u band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of airmass for All sky g band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of airmass for All sky r band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of airmass for All sky i band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of airmass for All sky z band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of airmass for All sky y band.

Group: Airmass; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max airmass All sky all bands 2.66 2.62 0.23 415 0 33574 1.24 2.92
Median airmass All sky all bands 1.17 1.27 0.21 0 842 33574 1.07 2.54
Min airmass All sky all bands 1.08 1.16 0.20 0 790 33574 1.00 2.42
Max airmass All sky u band 1.84 1.87 0.31 0 47 31085 1.10 2.88
Median airmass All sky u band 1.17 1.23 0.18 0 870 31085 1.04 2.36
Min airmass All sky u band 1.07 1.14 0.17 0 760 31085 1.00 2.36
Max airmass All sky g band 2.13 2.12 0.24 64 37 33477 1.21 2.90
Median airmass All sky g band 1.21 1.29 0.22 0 699 33477 1.01 2.55
Min airmass All sky g band 1.08 1.17 0.20 0 788 33477 1.00 2.48
Max airmass All sky r band 2.35 2.30 0.27 91 0 33527 1.22 2.92
Median airmass All sky r band 1.16 1.26 0.21 0 884 33527 1.06 2.67
Min airmass All sky r band 1.08 1.16 0.20 0 797 33527 1.00 2.58
Max airmass All sky i band 2.47 2.45 0.30 199 0 33544 1.24 2.92
Median airmass All sky i band 1.17 1.26 0.21 0 888 33544 1.06 2.67
Min airmass All sky i band 1.08 1.16 0.20 0 803 33544 1.00 2.63
Max airmass All sky z band 2.42 2.40 0.32 100 0 33505 1.21 2.92
Median airmass All sky z band 1.18 1.28 0.22 0 833 33505 1.07 2.83
Min airmass All sky z band 1.08 1.16 0.20 0 797 33505 1.00 2.83
Max airmass All sky y band 2.28 2.27 0.32 96 0 31150 1.18 2.92
Median airmass All sky y band 1.17 1.24 0.17 0 811 31150 1.06 2.36
Min airmass All sky y band 1.07 1.14 0.17 0 711 31150 1.00 2.36
Group: Airmass; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile airmass 75th%ile airmass Count airmass Max airmass Mean airmass Median airmass Min airmass N(+3Sigma) airmass N(-3Sigma) airmass Rms airmass
All sky all bands 1.11 1.40 2131985 2.92 1.31 1.21 1.00 53216 0 0.30
All sky g band 1.12 1.48 206059 2.90 1.35 1.24 1.00 2955 0 0.30
All sky i band 1.11 1.40 497087 2.92 1.33 1.20 1.00 12356 0 0.33
All sky r band 1.11 1.39 485541 2.92 1.30 1.20 1.00 12423 0 0.29
All sky u band 1.11 1.33 121837 2.88 1.26 1.19 1.00 2517 0 0.22
All sky y band 1.12 1.37 387209 2.92 1.29 1.21 1.00 8431 0 0.25
All sky z band 1.12 1.42 434252 2.92 1.33 1.22 1.00 10780 0 0.32

Group: Airmass; Subgroup: WFD

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max airmass for WFD all bands.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max airmass for WFD u band.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max airmass for WFD g band.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max airmass for WFD r band.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max airmass for WFD i band.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max airmass for WFD z band.

Max airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max airmass for WFD y band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median airmass for WFD all bands.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median airmass for WFD u band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median airmass for WFD g band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median airmass for WFD r band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median airmass for WFD i band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median airmass for WFD z band.

Median airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median airmass for WFD y band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min airmass for WFD all bands.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min airmass for WFD u band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min airmass for WFD g band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min airmass for WFD r band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min airmass for WFD i band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min airmass for WFD z band.

Min airmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min airmass for WFD y band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of airmass for WFD all bands.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of airmass for WFD u band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of airmass for WFD g band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of airmass for WFD r band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of airmass for WFD i band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of airmass for WFD z band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of airmass for WFD y band.

Group: Airmass; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max airmass WFD all bands 2.70 2.67 0.18 159 0 21961 1.90 2.92
Median airmass WFD all bands 1.15 1.19 0.09 0 432 21961 1.07 1.64
Min airmass WFD all bands 1.04 1.09 0.09 0 241 21961 1.00 1.53
Max airmass WFD u band 1.84 1.89 0.30 0 57 21961 1.20 2.88
Median airmass WFD u band 1.15 1.18 0.09 0 360 21961 1.04 1.65
Min airmass WFD u band 1.05 1.10 0.09 0 319 21961 1.00 1.54
Max airmass WFD g band 2.12 2.12 0.22 25 91 21961 1.40 2.90
Median airmass WFD g band 1.18 1.21 0.10 0 207 21961 1.06 2.09
Min airmass WFD g band 1.05 1.09 0.09 0 274 21961 1.00 1.54
Max airmass WFD r band 2.37 2.33 0.25 25 0 21961 1.51 2.91
Median airmass WFD r band 1.15 1.18 0.09 0 372 21961 1.06 1.66
Min airmass WFD r band 1.05 1.09 0.09 0 255 21961 1.00 1.54
Max airmass WFD i band 2.52 2.50 0.27 20 0 21961 1.62 2.92
Median airmass WFD i band 1.15 1.18 0.09 0 420 21961 1.06 1.64
Min airmass WFD i band 1.05 1.09 0.09 0 264 21961 1.00 1.54
Max airmass WFD z band 2.48 2.46 0.27 29 0 21961 1.54 2.92
Median airmass WFD z band 1.16 1.19 0.08 0 399 21961 1.07 1.68
Min airmass WFD z band 1.05 1.09 0.09 0 263 21961 1.00 1.53
Max airmass WFD y band 2.35 2.33 0.29 1 0 21961 1.45 2.92
Median airmass WFD y band 1.16 1.19 0.09 0 440 21961 1.06 1.66
Min airmass WFD y band 1.05 1.09 0.09 0 278 21961 1.00 1.54
Group: Airmass; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile airmass 75th%ile airmass Count airmass Max airmass Mean airmass Median airmass Min airmass N(+3Sigma) airmass N(-3Sigma) airmass Rms airmass
WFD all bands 1.11 1.40 2131985 2.92 1.31 1.21 1.00 53216 0 0.30
WFD g band 1.12 1.48 206059 2.90 1.35 1.24 1.00 2955 0 0.30
WFD i band 1.11 1.40 497087 2.92 1.33 1.20 1.00 12356 0 0.33
WFD r band 1.11 1.39 485541 2.92 1.30 1.20 1.00 12423 0 0.29
WFD u band 1.11 1.33 121837 2.88 1.26 1.19 1.00 2517 0 0.22
WFD y band 1.12 1.37 387209 2.92 1.29 1.21 1.00 8431 0 0.25
WFD z band 1.12 1.42 434252 2.92 1.33 1.22 1.00 10780 0 0.32

Group: Airmass; Subgroup: Yr 1

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 all bands.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 u band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 g band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 r band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 i band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 z band.

Max airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Max airmass for Yr 1 y band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 all bands.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 u band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 g band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 r band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 i band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 z band.

Median airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Median airmass for Yr 1 y band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 all bands.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 u band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 g band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 r band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 i band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 z band.

Min airmass HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Min airmass for Yr 1 y band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 all bands.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 u band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 u band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 g band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 g band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 r band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 r band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 i band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 i band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 z band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 z band.

airmass Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 y band

Histogram of airmass for Yr 1 y band.

Group: Airmass; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max airmass Yr 1 all bands 2.23 2.17 0.38 0 0 33387 1.19 2.92
Median airmass Yr 1 all bands 1.16 1.26 0.22 0 796 33387 1.06 2.69
Min airmass Yr 1 all bands 1.08 1.16 0.20 0 815 33387 1.00 2.54
Max airmass Yr 1 u band 1.45 1.52 0.32 0 292 29733 1.03 2.81
Median airmass Yr 1 u band 1.19 1.24 0.17 0 588 29733 1.03 2.52
Min airmass Yr 1 u band 1.10 1.15 0.14 0 576 29733 1.00 2.52
Max airmass Yr 1 g band 1.66 1.70 0.36 0 52 33171 1.05 2.90
Median airmass Yr 1 g band 1.22 1.31 0.26 0 711 33171 1.04 2.47
Min airmass Yr 1 g band 1.11 1.19 0.21 0 805 33171 1.00 2.46
Max airmass Yr 1 r band 1.69 1.76 0.41 0 0 33250 1.05 2.88
Median airmass Yr 1 r band 1.16 1.26 0.23 0 889 33250 1.04 2.75
Min airmass Yr 1 r band 1.09 1.17 0.21 0 796 33250 1.00 2.75
Max airmass Yr 1 i band 1.75 1.82 0.45 0 0 33279 1.07 2.92
Median airmass Yr 1 i band 1.16 1.26 0.24 0 861 33279 1.04 2.62
Min airmass Yr 1 i band 1.08 1.17 0.21 0 818 33279 1.00 2.56
Max airmass Yr 1 z band 1.61 1.71 0.42 0 0 33233 1.03 2.91
Median airmass Yr 1 z band 1.17 1.27 0.25 0 788 33233 1.03 2.89
Min airmass Yr 1 z band 1.09 1.18 0.21 0 790 33233 1.00 2.89
Max airmass Yr 1 y band 1.54 1.64 0.36 0 240 29955 1.08 2.86
Median airmass Yr 1 y band 1.17 1.22 0.15 0 614 29955 1.04 2.39
Min airmass Yr 1 y band 1.08 1.13 0.14 0 592 29955 1.00 2.31
Group: Airmass; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile airmass 75th%ile airmass Count airmass Max airmass Mean airmass Median airmass Min airmass N(+3Sigma) airmass N(-3Sigma) airmass Rms airmass
Yr 1 all bands 1.11 1.37 240342 2.92 1.30 1.19 1.00 6564 0 0.29
Yr 1 g band 1.13 1.50 26063 2.90 1.37 1.25 1.00 264 0 0.31
Yr 1 i band 1.10 1.36 54648 2.92 1.31 1.18 1.00 1585 0 0.34
Yr 1 r band 1.10 1.36 50291 2.88 1.29 1.18 1.00 1376 0 0.30
Yr 1 u band 1.11 1.36 16643 2.81 1.28 1.20 1.00 318 0 0.24
Yr 1 y band 1.11 1.32 47577 2.86 1.26 1.19 1.00 1049 0 0.22
Yr 1 z band 1.11 1.38 45120 2.91 1.30 1.20 1.00 1298 0 0.30

Group: Alt/Az; Subgroup: All Observations

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer all bands

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter all

Group: Alt/Az; Subgroup: Per filter

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer u band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter u

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer g band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter g

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer r band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter r

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer i band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter i

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer z band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter z

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer y band

Alt/Az pointing distribution for filter y

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: All sky

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Coadded depth per healpix in All sky y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
CoaddM5 All sky u band 25.31 25.08 0.61 833 19 31085 21.48 27.31
CoaddM5 All sky g band 26.75 26.62 0.44 473 91 33477 22.59 28.92
CoaddM5 All sky r band 26.92 26.70 0.53 463 64 33527 22.39 28.93
CoaddM5 All sky i band 26.44 26.21 0.54 456 68 33544 22.19 28.57
CoaddM5 All sky z band 25.74 25.50 0.55 436 78 33505 21.44 28.07
CoaddM5 All sky y band 24.79 24.52 0.67 899 7 31150 20.48 26.63

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: WFD

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Coadded depth per healpix in WFD y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
CoaddM5 WFD u band 25.38 25.37 0.18 54 106 21961 24.60 27.31
CoaddM5 WFD g band 26.84 26.83 0.18 8 106 21961 26.26 28.92
CoaddM5 WFD r band 26.99 26.98 0.15 1 107 21961 26.52 28.93
CoaddM5 WFD i band 26.51 26.50 0.16 3 109 21961 25.99 28.57
CoaddM5 WFD z band 25.81 25.80 0.16 0 115 21961 25.34 28.07
CoaddM5 WFD y band 24.86 24.83 0.16 19 105 21961 24.25 26.63

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 1 y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
CoaddM5 Yr 1 u band 24.26 24.23 0.36 356 63 29733 21.48 26.54
CoaddM5 Yr 1 g band 25.62 25.55 0.40 408 80 33171 21.70 28.07
CoaddM5 Yr 1 r band 25.74 25.58 0.48 546 53 33250 22.10 28.16
CoaddM5 Yr 1 i band 25.30 25.11 0.50 432 54 33279 22.19 27.77
CoaddM5 Yr 1 z band 24.55 24.38 0.47 407 77 33233 21.87 27.28
CoaddM5 Yr 1 y band 23.67 23.56 0.40 535 55 29955 21.17 25.83

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 u band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 g band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 r band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 i band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 z band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 y band

Coadded depth per healpix in Yr 3-4 y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 u band 23.95 23.89 0.52 25 0 25186 22.12 25.10
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 g band 25.29 25.20 0.57 282 0 30488 22.48 26.51
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 r band 25.44 25.31 0.61 204 0 32838 22.58 26.47
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 i band 24.93 24.80 0.62 230 0 32827 21.63 25.91
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 z band 24.29 24.15 0.64 155 0 32475 21.31 25.46
CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 y band 23.45 23.31 0.55 273 0 29170 20.94 24.36

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: All sky

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in All sky y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky u band 24.96 23.50 8.06 265 0 31085 -472.06 27.21
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky g band 26.42 25.39 5.95 272 0 33477 -355.65 28.85
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky r band 26.67 25.79 4.42 270 0 33527 -255.76 28.88
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky i band 26.24 25.52 3.39 271 0 33544 -188.69 28.52
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky z band 25.59 24.97 2.66 270 0 33505 -141.03 28.04
Exgal_CoaddM5 All sky y band 24.69 24.08 2.34 255 0 31150 -112.36 26.60

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: WFD

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in WFD y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD u band 25.11 24.33 6.39 198 0 21961 -377.93 27.21
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD g band 26.59 26.04 4.86 195 0 21961 -283.24 28.85
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD r band 26.81 26.40 3.60 195 0 21961 -201.84 28.88
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD i band 26.37 26.05 2.74 195 0 21961 -147.45 28.52
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD z band 25.71 25.45 2.14 196 0 21961 -108.95 28.04
Exgal_CoaddM5 WFD y band 24.77 24.54 1.78 199 0 21961 -86.15 26.60

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 1 y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 u band 23.86 22.63 7.69 270 0 29733 -391.82 26.45
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 g band 25.25 24.32 5.96 265 0 33171 -356.49 27.99
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 r band 25.50 24.67 4.42 269 0 33250 -256.67 28.10
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 i band 25.10 24.42 3.39 271 0 33279 -189.78 27.73
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 z band 24.41 23.85 2.64 272 0 33233 -141.99 27.25
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 1 y band 23.57 23.12 2.30 255 0 29955 -113.48 25.81

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 u band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 u band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 g band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 g band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 r band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 r band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 i band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 i band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 z band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 z band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Exgal_CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 y band

Coadded depth per healpix for extragalactic purposes (i.e. combined with dust extinction maps), in Yr 3-4 y band. More positive numbers indicate fainter limiting magnitudes.

Group: Extragalactic Coadded M5 Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 u band 23.61 22.45 7.30 286 0 25186 -197.07 25.00
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 g band 24.86 23.95 6.22 249 0 30488 -356.98 26.34
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 r band 25.11 24.40 4.46 267 0 32838 -257.22 26.35
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 i band 24.65 24.11 3.44 263 0 32827 -190.24 25.80
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 z band 24.08 23.62 2.64 271 0 32475 -142.04 25.37
Exgal_CoaddM5 Yr 3-4 y band 23.33 22.87 2.50 237 0 29170 -113.37 24.31

Group: Filter Changes; Subgroup: Per Night

Filter Changes OneDSlicer Per Night

Total filter changes per night.

Max number of filter changes within 10.0 minutes OneDSlicer Per Night

Max number of filter changes within a window of 10 minutes per night.

Max number of filter changes within 20.0 minutes OneDSlicer Per Night

Max number of filter changes within a window of 20 minutes per night.

Minimum time between filter changes (minutes) OneDSlicer Per Night

Minimum time between filter changes per night.

Number of filter changes faster than <10.0 minutes OneDSlicer Per Night

Number of filter changes faster than 10 minutes per night.

Number of filter changes faster than <20.0 minutes OneDSlicer Per Night

Number of filter changes faster than 20 minutes per night.

Group: Filter Changes; Subgroup: Per Night; Slicer: OneDSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Filter Changes Per Night 13.00 13.98 7.00 0 39 2808 0.0000 63.00
Max number of filter changes within 10.0 minutes Per Night 1.00 1.61 0.74 0 103 2808 0.0000 4.00
Max number of filter changes within 20.0 minutes Per Night 2.00 2.13 1.25 0 100 2808 0.0000 8.00
Minimum time between filter changes (minutes) Per Night 8.38 13.73 12.34 0 26 2802 2.52 309.74
Number of filter changes faster than <10.0 minutes Per Night 1.00 2.08 4.16 0 93 2808 0.0000 45.00
Number of filter changes faster than <20.0 minutes Per Night 4.00 5.58 6.38 0 62 2808 0.0000 55.00

Group: Filter Changes; Subgroup: Whole Survey

Group: Filter Changes; Subgroup: Whole Survey; Slicer: UniSlicer
Filter Changes Max number of filter changes within 10.0 minutes Max number of filter changes within 20.0 minutes Minimum time between filter changes (minutes) Number of filter changes faster than <10.0 minutes Number of filter changes faster than <20.0 minutes
Whole Survey 41366.00 4.00 8.00 2.52 5834.00 15246.00

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: All sky

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky all bands.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky u band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky g band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky r band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky i band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky z band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for All sky y band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky all bands.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky u band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky g band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky r band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky i band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky z band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for All sky y band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky all bands.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky u band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky g band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky r band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky i band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky z band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for All sky y band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky all bands.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky u band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky g band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky r band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky i band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky z band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for All sky y band.

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky all bands 25.06 24.99 0.26 680 0 33574 22.01 25.47
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky all bands 23.32 23.31 0.16 238 30 33574 21.19 24.58
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky all bands 20.87 20.91 0.41 58 216 33574 19.51 24.57
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky u band 23.72 23.66 0.29 691 0 31085 21.48 24.27
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky u band 23.17 23.14 0.22 560 2 31085 21.48 23.82
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky u band 22.31 22.32 0.31 10 176 31085 21.16 23.81
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky g band 25.06 25.00 0.24 758 0 33477 22.59 25.47
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky g band 24.37 24.32 0.25 440 0 33477 22.36 24.92
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky g band 23.04 22.96 0.50 187 18 33477 21.11 24.92
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky r band 24.72 24.66 0.23 692 0 33527 22.39 25.08
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky r band 24.04 24.01 0.20 431 0 33527 22.39 24.57
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky r band 22.43 22.40 0.48 76 29 33527 20.80 24.57
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky i band 24.24 24.18 0.23 606 0 33544 22.19 24.65
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky i band 23.54 23.50 0.21 300 0 33544 21.66 23.90
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky i band 21.82 21.82 0.53 34 22 33544 20.10 23.86
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky z band 23.58 23.53 0.23 638 0 33505 21.44 23.98
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky z band 22.94 22.89 0.19 484 0 33505 21.44 23.31
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky z band 21.48 21.46 0.54 13 6 33505 19.72 23.25
Max fiveSigmaDepth All sky y band 22.59 22.53 0.24 598 0 31150 20.48 22.89
Median fiveSigmaDepth All sky y band 22.02 21.98 0.18 562 0 31150 20.48 22.42
Min fiveSigmaDepth All sky y band 20.91 20.91 0.33 107 61 31150 19.51 22.39
Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile fiveSigmaDepth 75th%ile fiveSigmaDepth Count fiveSigmaDepth Max fiveSigmaDepth Mean fiveSigmaDepth Median fiveSigmaDepth Min fiveSigmaDepth N(+3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth N(-3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth Rms fiveSigmaDepth
All sky all bands 22.59 23.93 2131985 25.47 23.24 23.32 19.51 0 1003 0.88
All sky g band 23.99 24.66 206059 25.47 24.26 24.36 21.11 0 2959 0.56
All sky i band 23.21 23.82 497087 24.65 23.45 23.55 20.10 0 8398 0.53
All sky r band 23.73 24.31 485541 25.08 23.96 24.04 20.80 0 8481 0.50
All sky u band 22.94 23.39 121837 24.27 23.14 23.18 21.16 6 943 0.35
All sky y band 21.77 22.23 387209 22.89 21.97 22.02 19.51 0 3252 0.35
All sky z band 22.66 23.19 434252 23.98 22.87 22.95 19.72 0 7800 0.46

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: WFD

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD all bands.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD u band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD g band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD r band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD i band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD z band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for WFD y band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD all bands.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD u band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD g band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD r band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD i band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD z band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for WFD y band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD all bands.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD u band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD g band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD r band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD i band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD z band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for WFD y band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD all bands.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD u band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD g band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD r band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD i band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD z band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for WFD y band.

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD all bands 25.10 25.09 0.12 82 10 21961 24.56 25.47
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD all bands 23.32 23.32 0.12 35 39 21961 22.90 23.76
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD all bands 20.79 20.77 0.30 87 0 21961 19.51 21.64
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD u band 23.75 23.75 0.15 40 37 21961 23.06 24.27
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD u band 23.19 23.19 0.12 61 0 21961 22.68 23.54
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD u band 22.28 22.28 0.27 33 0 21961 21.16 23.02
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD g band 25.10 25.09 0.12 84 10 21961 24.56 25.47
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD g band 24.41 24.41 0.16 90 0 21961 23.03 24.81
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD g band 23.03 22.95 0.47 201 0 21961 21.11 23.99
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD r band 24.76 24.75 0.12 63 0 21961 24.31 25.08
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD r band 24.08 24.08 0.13 31 0 21961 23.62 24.40
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD r band 22.38 22.36 0.46 65 0 21961 20.80 23.42
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD i band 24.28 24.27 0.11 71 37 21961 23.80 24.65
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD i band 23.58 23.57 0.12 85 0 21961 23.08 23.84
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD i band 21.68 21.72 0.50 33 0 21961 20.10 22.98
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD z band 23.62 23.62 0.12 87 0 21961 23.16 23.98
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD z band 22.97 22.96 0.11 79 0 21961 22.52 23.25
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD z band 21.31 21.35 0.51 12 0 21961 19.72 22.51
Max fiveSigmaDepth WFD y band 22.62 22.61 0.12 120 0 21961 22.06 22.89
Median fiveSigmaDepth WFD y band 22.05 22.03 0.11 159 0 21961 21.58 22.26
Min fiveSigmaDepth WFD y band 20.86 20.84 0.30 96 0 21961 19.51 21.64
Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile fiveSigmaDepth 75th%ile fiveSigmaDepth Count fiveSigmaDepth Max fiveSigmaDepth Mean fiveSigmaDepth Median fiveSigmaDepth Min fiveSigmaDepth N(+3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth N(-3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth Rms fiveSigmaDepth
WFD all bands 22.59 23.93 2131985 25.47 23.24 23.32 19.51 0 1003 0.88
WFD g band 23.99 24.66 206059 25.47 24.26 24.36 21.11 0 2959 0.56
WFD i band 23.21 23.82 497087 24.65 23.45 23.55 20.10 0 8398 0.53
WFD r band 23.73 24.31 485541 25.08 23.96 24.04 20.80 0 8481 0.50
WFD u band 22.94 23.39 121837 24.27 23.14 23.18 21.16 6 943 0.35
WFD y band 21.77 22.23 387209 22.89 21.97 22.02 19.51 0 3252 0.35
WFD z band 22.66 23.19 434252 23.98 22.87 22.95 19.72 0 7800 0.46

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: Yr 1

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 all bands.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 u band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 g band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 r band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 i band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 z band.

Max fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Max fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 y band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 all bands.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 u band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 g band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 r band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 i band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 z band.

Median fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Median fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 y band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 all bands.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 u band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 g band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 r band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 i band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 z band.

Min fiveSigmaDepth HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Min fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 y band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 all bands.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 u band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 u band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 g band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 g band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 r band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 r band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 i band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 i band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 z band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 z band.

fiveSigmaDepth Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 y band

Histogram of fiveSigmaDepth for Yr 1 y band.

Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 all bands 24.89 24.84 0.30 378 0 33387 21.40 25.44
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 all bands 23.38 23.38 0.24 257 58 33387 21.30 24.45
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 all bands 21.53 21.54 0.40 116 405 33387 19.85 24.32
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 u band 23.59 23.57 0.25 265 0 29733 21.48 24.12
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 u band 23.29 23.27 0.25 233 0 29733 21.48 23.94
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 u band 22.91 22.85 0.36 147 0 29733 21.47 23.91
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 g band 24.89 24.84 0.28 338 0 33171 21.70 25.44
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 g band 24.44 24.39 0.37 591 0 33171 21.70 25.23
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 g band 23.80 23.69 0.61 184 0 33171 21.61 25.18
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 r band 24.60 24.55 0.26 544 0 33250 22.10 25.08
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 r band 24.16 24.11 0.30 633 0 33250 21.92 24.69
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 r band 23.26 23.19 0.56 34 0 33250 21.38 24.57
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 i band 24.13 24.06 0.27 711 0 33279 22.19 24.59
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 i band 23.66 23.59 0.28 502 0 33279 21.50 24.16
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 i band 22.85 22.69 0.59 106 0 33279 20.66 24.16
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 z band 23.44 23.39 0.24 528 0 33233 21.07 23.89
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 z band 23.06 23.00 0.25 553 0 33233 20.32 23.64
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 z band 22.49 22.38 0.49 389 0 33233 19.85 23.49
Max fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 y band 22.45 22.42 0.20 431 0 29955 21.14 22.89
Median fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 y band 22.10 22.07 0.18 317 0 29955 20.89 22.56
Min fiveSigmaDepth Yr 1 y band 21.53 21.51 0.29 186 9 29955 20.46 22.48
Group: Fivesigmadepth; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile fiveSigmaDepth 75th%ile fiveSigmaDepth Count fiveSigmaDepth Max fiveSigmaDepth Mean fiveSigmaDepth Median fiveSigmaDepth Min fiveSigmaDepth N(+3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth N(-3Sigma) fiveSigmaDepth Rms fiveSigmaDepth
Yr 1 all bands 22.63 24.01 240342 25.44 23.31 23.38 19.85 0 59 0.89
Yr 1 g band 24.05 24.70 26063 25.44 24.30 24.41 21.61 0 381 0.57
Yr 1 i band 23.33 23.90 54648 24.59 23.54 23.66 20.66 0 1222 0.53
Yr 1 r band 23.86 24.40 50291 25.08 24.04 24.16 21.38 0 1118 0.53
Yr 1 u band 23.05 23.51 16643 24.12 23.26 23.29 21.47 0 154 0.36
Yr 1 y band 21.87 22.27 47577 22.89 22.05 22.09 20.46 0 359 0.31
Yr 1 z band 22.81 23.26 45120 23.89 22.98 23.06 19.85 0 984 0.42

Group: Ha; Subgroup: All sky

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of HA for All sky all bands.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of HA for All sky u band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of HA for All sky g band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of HA for All sky r band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of HA for All sky i band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of HA for All sky z band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of HA for All sky y band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max HA for All sky all bands.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max HA for All sky u band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max HA for All sky g band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max HA for All sky r band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max HA for All sky i band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max HA for All sky z band.

Max HA HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max HA for All sky y band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median HA for All sky all bands.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median HA for All sky u band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median HA for All sky g band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median HA for All sky r band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median HA for All sky i band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median HA for All sky z band.

Median HA HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median HA for All sky y band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min HA for All sky all bands.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min HA for All sky u band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min HA for All sky g band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min HA for All sky r band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min HA for All sky i band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min HA for All sky z band.

Min HA HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min HA for All sky y band.

Group: Ha; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max HA All sky all bands 4.93 4.95 1.32 62 381 33574 -1.99 11.98
Median HA All sky all bands 0.81 0.89 0.88 392 0 33574 -5.10 3.23
Min HA All sky all bands -4.60 -4.54 1.30 208 104 33574 -12.00 2.88
Max HA All sky u band 3.85 3.87 1.49 349 234 31085 -3.43 11.91
Median HA All sky u band 0.92 0.88 1.09 211 42 31085 -8.23 5.84
Min HA All sky u band -3.14 -3.09 1.25 209 425 31085 -11.55 3.77
Max HA All sky g band 3.99 4.04 1.26 104 305 33477 -3.28 11.90
Median HA All sky g band 0.35 0.32 1.28 377 29 33477 -6.29 4.70
Min HA All sky g band -4.27 -4.10 1.36 163 88 33477 -12.00 2.84
Max HA All sky r band 4.30 4.40 1.28 81 357 33527 -2.09 11.72
Median HA All sky r band 0.71 0.74 0.96 497 6 33527 -6.75 4.62
Min HA All sky r band -4.31 -4.20 1.32 182 105 33527 -11.98 3.12
Max HA All sky i band 4.67 4.64 1.26 122 244 33544 -2.47 11.62
Median HA All sky i band 0.89 0.92 0.94 514 16 33544 -6.84 4.40
Min HA All sky i band -4.31 -4.21 1.34 191 123 33544 -11.96 3.36
Max HA All sky z band 4.63 4.59 1.25 116 239 33505 -2.90 11.90
Median HA All sky z band 0.95 0.95 0.99 447 8 33505 -6.31 4.43
Min HA All sky z band -4.14 -4.06 1.40 140 124 33505 -11.66 2.64
Max HA All sky y band 4.58 4.64 1.25 385 289 31150 -2.93 11.98
Median HA All sky y band 1.32 1.24 0.88 264 11 31150 -4.06 5.57
Min HA All sky y band -3.46 -3.42 1.37 76 620 31150 -11.88 3.52
Group: Ha; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile HA 75th%ile HA Count HA Max HA Mean HA Median HA Min HA N(+3Sigma) HA N(-3Sigma) HA Rms HA
All sky all bands -0.70 2.18 2131985 11.98 0.66 1.10 -12.00 698 1642 2.24
All sky g band -1.74 1.90 206059 11.90 0.04 0.36 -12.00 72 71 2.47
All sky i band -0.48 2.16 497087 11.62 0.73 1.14 -11.96 136 548 2.23
All sky r band -0.87 2.00 485541 11.72 0.44 0.90 -11.98 199 187 2.24
All sky u band -0.59 2.15 121837 11.91 0.75 1.08 -11.55 118 140 2.01
All sky y band -0.27 2.43 387209 11.98 1.05 1.47 -11.88 210 673 2.02
All sky z band -0.65 2.27 434252 11.90 0.75 1.18 -11.66 94 226 2.31

Group: Ha; Subgroup: WFD

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of HA for WFD all bands.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of HA for WFD u band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of HA for WFD g band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of HA for WFD r band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of HA for WFD i band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of HA for WFD z band.

HA Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of HA for WFD y band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max HA for WFD all bands.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max HA for WFD u band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max HA for WFD g band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max HA for WFD r band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max HA for WFD i band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max HA for WFD z band.

Max HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max HA for WFD y band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median HA for WFD all bands.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median HA for WFD u band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median HA for WFD g band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median HA for WFD r band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median HA for WFD i band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median HA for WFD z band.

Median HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median HA for WFD y band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min HA for WFD all bands.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min HA for WFD u band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min HA for WFD g band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min HA for WFD r band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min HA for WFD i band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min HA for WFD z band.

Min HA HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min HA for WFD y band.

Group: Ha; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max HA WFD all bands 5.13 5.18 0.89 0 183 21961 3.04 9.23
Median HA WFD all bands 1.06 1.07 0.76 1 0 21961 -1.36 2.51
Min HA WFD all bands -4.80 -4.78 0.86 54 1 21961 -8.10 -1.94
Max HA WFD u band 3.99 4.10 0.99 0 206 21961 1.36 8.69
Median HA WFD u band 1.10 1.06 0.85 26 0 21961 -3.88 3.40
Min HA WFD u band -3.27 -3.25 0.90 40 5 21961 -6.70 1.21
Max HA WFD g band 4.21 4.28 0.86 0 211 21961 1.93 8.45
Median HA WFD g band 0.55 0.56 1.11 155 0 21961 -4.14 3.76
Min HA WFD g band -4.49 -4.36 0.98 12 27 21961 -7.66 -0.98
Max HA WFD r band 4.49 4.65 0.92 0 203 21961 2.52 9.03
Median HA WFD r band 0.93 0.95 0.78 5 0 21961 -1.69 2.53
Min HA WFD r band -4.50 -4.47 0.92 23 1 21961 -7.36 -1.69
Max HA WFD i band 4.90 4.92 0.88 0 139 21961 2.50 8.66
Median HA WFD i band 1.04 1.08 0.76 4 0 21961 -1.26 2.54
Min HA WFD i band -4.55 -4.48 0.92 24 25 21961 -7.80 -1.26
Max HA WFD z band 4.86 4.90 0.88 0 165 21961 2.58 9.23
Median HA WFD z band 1.13 1.12 0.79 37 0 21961 -2.78 2.58
Min HA WFD z band -4.43 -4.40 0.96 27 14 21961 -7.87 -1.36
Max HA WFD y band 4.68 4.82 0.86 0 260 21961 2.78 9.17
Median HA WFD y band 1.37 1.28 0.76 5 0 21961 -1.84 2.76
Min HA WFD y band -3.69 -3.73 0.97 194 0 21961 -8.10 -0.85
Group: Ha; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile HA 75th%ile HA Count HA Max HA Mean HA Median HA Min HA N(+3Sigma) HA N(-3Sigma) HA Rms HA
WFD all bands -0.70 2.18 2131985 11.98 0.66 1.10 -12.00 698 1642 2.24
WFD g band -1.74 1.90 206059 11.90 0.04 0.36 -12.00 72 71 2.47
WFD i band -0.48 2.16 497087 11.62 0.73 1.14 -11.96 136 548 2.23
WFD r band -0.87 2.00 485541 11.72 0.44 0.90 -11.98 199 187 2.24
WFD u band -0.59 2.15 121837 11.91 0.75 1.08 -11.55 118 140 2.01
WFD y band -0.27 2.43 387209 11.98 1.05 1.47 -11.88 210 673 2.02
WFD z band -0.65 2.27 434252 11.90 0.75 1.18 -11.66 94 226 2.31

Group: InterNight; Subgroup: Night gaps

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky all bands.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky u band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky u band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky g band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky g band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky r band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky r band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky i band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky i band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky z band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky z band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky y band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, All sky y band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD all bands.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD u band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD g band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD r band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD i band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD z band.

20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

20th percentile gap between nights with observations, WFD y band.

DeltaNight Histogram HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of the number of nights between consecutive visits to a given point on the sky, considering separations between 1 and 20, All sky all bands.

DeltaNight Histogram HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of the number of nights between consecutive visits to a given point on the sky, considering separations between 1 and 20, WFD all bands.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky all bands.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky u band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky g band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky r band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky i band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky z band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, All sky y band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD all bands.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD u band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD g band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD r band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD i band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD z band.

Max Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Maximum gap between nights with observations, WFD y band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky all bands.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky u band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky g band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky r band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky i band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky z band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Median gap between nights with observations, All sky y band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD all bands.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD u band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD g band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD r band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD i band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD z band.

Median Inter-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Median gap between nights with observations, WFD y band.

N Unique Nights HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Number of unique nights with visits

N Unique Nights HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Number of unique nights with visits

Group: InterNight; Subgroup: Night gaps; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky all bands 1.01 5.06 63.69 0 125 33522 0.93 2923.86
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky all bands 248.21 266.38 127.54 0 547 33522 12.89 3257.20
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky all bands 2.98 10.74 72.27 0 210 33522 1.06 2923.86
N Unique Nights All sky all bands 351.00 285.08 124.08 0 9 33574 1.00 757.00
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky u band 3.95 23.04 145.65 0 344 29986 0.75 3371.81
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky u band 615.26 697.63 488.10 0 875 29986 2.82 3574.01
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky u band 26.89 70.97 176.03 0 528 29986 0.86 3371.81
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky g band 4.18 10.71 79.06 0 189 33375 0.92 3573.20
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky g band 411.88 529.64 276.07 0 875 33375 55.77 3573.20
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky g band 21.85 36.46 93.79 0 335 33375 1.13 3573.20
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky r band 2.01 8.11 68.99 0 162 33456 0.99 3207.22
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky r band 309.12 343.27 167.77 0 635 33456 26.01 3263.97
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky r band 6.98 21.15 83.72 0 378 33456 1.98 3207.22
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky i band 2.28 8.46 62.62 0 163 33456 0.99 2935.06
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky i band 300.99 332.00 146.77 0 488 33456 4.00 3191.28
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky i band 7.91 20.69 77.77 0 307 33456 1.97 2935.06
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky z band 2.41 10.17 79.63 0 183 33416 0.86 3317.91
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky z band 318.05 391.04 223.79 0 635 33416 1.00 3317.91
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky z band 9.00 26.90 93.46 0 326 33416 0.95 3317.91
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap All sky y band 2.01 29.45 188.62 0 415 30354 0.99 3303.90
Max Inter-Night Gap All sky y band 326.13 418.11 266.23 0 604 30354 1.95 3391.70
Median Inter-Night Gap All sky y band 16.77 54.31 204.93 0 483 30354 1.95 3303.90
Group: InterNight; Subgroup: Night gaps; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD all bands 0.99 1.01 0.09 0 271 21961 0.93 1.95
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD all bands 235.17 232.81 38.63 0 94 21961 118.22 549.24
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD all bands 2.93 2.78 0.53 7 44 21961 1.06 4.96
N Unique Nights WFD all bands 362.00 363.87 23.43 0 94 21961 296.00 757.00
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD u band 3.53 4.22 3.19 0 516 21961 1.00 34.54
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD u band 565.34 525.05 157.08 0 385 21961 179.21 1448.94
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD u band 25.90 27.16 9.94 0 507 21961 2.86 236.20
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD g band 3.98 4.11 1.62 0 240 21961 0.97 19.51
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD g band 378.00 443.57 155.92 0 245 21961 157.20 1887.03
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD g band 19.41 19.60 4.73 17 141 21961 2.00 64.06
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD r band 1.98 1.96 0.41 0 60 21961 0.99 4.09
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD r band 293.17 297.37 59.86 0 560 21961 156.28 629.26
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD r band 5.99 6.11 1.32 10 93 21961 1.98 13.89
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD i band 2.03 2.25 0.49 0 360 21961 0.99 5.02
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD i band 287.11 294.70 63.24 0 705 21961 148.37 610.28
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD i band 6.98 7.11 1.18 14 254 21961 1.97 13.92
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD z band 2.04 2.30 0.56 0 373 21961 0.98 6.00
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD z band 297.10 310.92 75.24 0 1045 21961 154.28 710.19
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD z band 8.00 8.37 1.95 8 430 21961 1.99 21.06
20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap WFD y band 1.99 2.07 0.82 0 388 21961 0.99 22.79
Max Inter-Night Gap WFD y band 320.01 330.58 71.89 0 1234 21961 153.28 648.03
Median Inter-Night Gap WFD y band 12.98 13.61 6.02 0 2 21961 2.90 34.74

Group: IntraNight; Subgroup: Pairs

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky u band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky g band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky r band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky i band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky z band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky y band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky ug bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky gr bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky., All sky., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky ri bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky iz bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSlicer All sky zy bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, All sky all bands., All sky u band., All sky g band., All sky r band., All sky i band., All sky z band., All sky y band., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky., All sky.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD ug bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD., WFD.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD gr bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD., WFD., WFD.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD ri bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD iz bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD.

75th Percentile Intranight Timespan HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD zy bands

75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night, WFD all bands., WFD u band., WFD g band., WFD r band., WFD i band., WFD z band., WFD y band., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD., WFD.

DeltaT Histogram HealpixSlicer All sky

Histogram of the time between consecutive visits to a given point on the sky, considering visits between 0.0 and 120.0 minutes, All sky.

DeltaT Histogram HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Histogram of the time between consecutive visits to a given point on the sky, considering visits between 0.0 and 120.0 minutes, WFD.

Fraction of visits in pairs (10-60 min) HealpixSlicer gri All sky

Fraction of gri All sky visits that have a paired visitbetween 10.0 and 60.0 minutes away. If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1.

Fraction of visits in pairs (10-60 min) HealpixSubsetSlicer gri WFD

Fraction of gri WFD visits that have a paired visitbetween 10.0 and 60.0 minutes away. If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1.

Fraction of visits in pairs (20-90 min) HealpixSlicer gri All sky

Fraction of gri All sky visits that have a paired visitbetween 20.0 and 90.0 minutes away. If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1.

Fraction of visits in pairs (20-90 min) HealpixSubsetSlicer gri WFD

Fraction of gri WFD visits that have a paired visitbetween 20.0 and 90.0 minutes away. If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1.

Fraction of visits with a revisit < 60 min HealpixSlicer gri All sky

Fraction of gri All sky visits that have another visit within 60.0 min. If all visits were in pairs (only), this fraction would be 0.5.

Fraction of visits with a revisit < 60 min HealpixSubsetSlicer gri WFD

Fraction of gri WFD visits that have another visit within 60.0 min. If all visits were in pairs (only), this fraction would be 0.5.

Median Intra-Night Gap HealpixSlicer All sky

Median gap between consecutive visits within a night, all bands, All sky.

Median Intra-Night Gap HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Median gap between consecutive visits within a night, all bands, WFD.

NVisitsPerNight HealpixSlicer All sky

Histogram of the number of visits in each night, per point on the sky, All sky.

NVisitsPerNight HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Histogram of the number of visits in each night, per point on the sky, WFD.

Group: IntraNight; Subgroup: Pairs; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky all bands 34.85 35.92 10.10 0 340 33565 11.59 266.39
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky u band 5.17 30.43 55.06 0 716 29082 0.59 459.41
Fraction of visits in pairs (10-60 min) gri All sky 0.58 0.58 0.07 154 230 33570 0.0000 1.00
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky g band 7.03 24.73 39.38 0 930 32702 0.64 402.86
Fraction of visits in pairs (20-90 min) gri All sky 0.51 0.52 0.07 96 166 33570 0.0000 1.00
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky r band 19.87 57.57 73.26 0 578 32905 0.64 314.80
Fraction of visits with a revisit < 60 min gri All sky 0.42 0.42 0.06 107 310 33570 0.0000 0.97
Median Intra-Night Gap All sky 0.54 0.50 0.11 1088 0 33565 0.0100 0.58
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky i band 13.79 37.62 55.16 0 1108 32924 0.64 382.66
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky z band 13.46 34.09 48.71 0 783 32868 0.60 477.08
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky y band 32.97 36.07 17.90 0 776 30782 0.64 284.36
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky 34.85 35.92 10.10 0 340 33565 11.59 266.39
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky ug bands 33.29 35.18 21.55 0 830 33045 0.64 307.34
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky gr bands 34.90 42.94 31.70 0 1005 33462 8.92 311.10
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky ri bands 34.93 41.92 29.80 0 958 33431 9.66 301.75
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky iz bands 34.83 37.49 17.28 0 644 33487 11.59 284.85
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan All sky zy bands 34.43 33.47 11.78 0 436 33158 0.60 235.91
Group: IntraNight; Subgroup: Pairs; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD all bands 34.90 34.97 1.51 0 96 21961 34.19 69.91
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD u band 4.33 21.07 40.60 0 665 21940 0.59 403.28
Fraction of visits in pairs (10-60 min) gri WFD 0.57 0.57 0.05 1 181 21961 0.43 0.98
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD g band 5.73 17.21 28.06 0 650 21961 0.64 278.44
Fraction of visits in pairs (20-90 min) gri WFD 0.50 0.51 0.05 17 161 21961 0.34 0.78
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD r band 18.99 50.20 64.84 0 577 21961 0.65 301.56
Fraction of visits with a revisit < 60 min gri WFD 0.41 0.41 0.05 0 121 21961 0.30 0.97
Median Intra-Night Gap WFD 0.54 0.53 0.06 796 0 21961 0.0100 0.57
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD i band 13.62 29.37 41.55 0 660 21961 0.65 300.32
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD z band 13.43 28.49 39.97 0 726 21961 0.65 326.82
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD y band 32.99 33.05 1.74 22 52 21961 4.80 148.39
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD 34.90 34.97 1.51 0 96 21961 34.19 69.91
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD ug bands 33.26 33.25 7.89 219 245 21961 1.27 195.17
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD gr bands 34.94 37.89 15.78 0 490 21961 13.68 311.10
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD ri bands 34.99 37.37 13.07 0 531 21961 30.93 273.44
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD iz bands 34.87 35.27 4.30 0 230 21961 30.99 190.18
75th Percentile Intranight Timespan WFD zy bands 34.47 34.53 0.34 70 118 21961 22.87 49.57

Group: IntraSeason; Subgroup: Season length

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

80th percentile season length, All sky all bands.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky u band

80th percentile season length, All sky u band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky g band

80th percentile season length, All sky g band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky r band

80th percentile season length, All sky r band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky i band

80th percentile season length, All sky i band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky z band

80th percentile season length, All sky z band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky y band

80th percentile season length, All sky y band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

80th percentile season length, WFD all bands.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

80th percentile season length, WFD u band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

80th percentile season length, WFD g band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

80th percentile season length, WFD r band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

80th percentile season length, WFD i band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

80th percentile season length, WFD z band.

80thPercentile Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

80th percentile season length, WFD y band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Median season length, All sky all bands.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Median season length, All sky u band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Median season length, All sky g band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Median season length, All sky r band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Median season length, All sky i band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Median season length, All sky z band.

Median Season Length HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Median season length, All sky y band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Median season length, WFD all bands.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Median season length, WFD u band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Median season length, WFD g band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Median season length, WFD r band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Median season length, WFD i band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Median season length, WFD z band.

Median Season Length HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Median season length, WFD y band.

NSeasons HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Number of seasons, any filter.

NSeasons HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Number of seasons, any filter.

Group: IntraSeason; Subgroup: Season length; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
80thPercentile Season Length All sky all bands 187.79 185.10 35.48 376 116 33574 0.0000 336.28
Median Season Length All sky all bands 165.67 159.77 35.99 520 39 33574 0.0000 286.76
NSeasons All sky all bands 11.00 10.44 0.87 359 0 33574 1.00 11.00
80thPercentile Season Length All sky u band 117.65 101.66 46.00 0 0 31085 0.0000 227.11
Median Season Length All sky u band 64.81 62.11 38.34 0 59 31085 0.0000 205.74
80thPercentile Season Length All sky g band 126.04 121.79 36.60 433 23 33477 0.0000 257.84
Median Season Length All sky g band 88.06 83.27 38.42 0 55 33477 0.0000 213.24
80thPercentile Season Length All sky r band 158.57 154.54 35.82 545 33 33527 0.0000 287.69
Median Season Length All sky r band 138.80 127.14 38.69 755 2 33527 0.0000 246.66
80thPercentile Season Length All sky i band 163.29 159.02 33.19 492 87 33544 0.0000 317.87
Median Season Length All sky i band 142.61 131.92 35.66 672 14 33544 0.0000 260.06
80thPercentile Season Length All sky z band 164.60 155.48 40.28 532 22 33505 0.0000 302.04
Median Season Length All sky z band 140.22 124.30 44.85 0 0 33505 0.0000 246.71
80thPercentile Season Length All sky y band 152.89 144.98 47.54 1419 0 31150 0.0000 268.10
Median Season Length All sky y band 126.66 114.84 46.37 0 2 31150 0.0000 261.69
Group: IntraSeason; Subgroup: Season length; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
80thPercentile Season Length WFD all bands 195.67 198.63 22.58 0 252 21961 144.84 324.77
Median Season Length WFD all bands 172.63 175.42 19.57 1 240 21961 114.81 286.76
NSeasons WFD all bands 11.00 10.58 0.49 1 0 21961 9.00 11.00
80thPercentile Season Length WFD u band 121.72 122.68 22.65 59 80 21961 9.75 227.11
Median Season Length WFD u band 80.99 78.20 27.79 0 73 21961 0.0000 205.74
80thPercentile Season Length WFD g band 136.80 136.86 22.46 37 122 21961 33.28 245.71
Median Season Length WFD g band 99.26 99.28 26.57 52 82 21961 1.99 213.24
80thPercentile Season Length WFD r band 166.91 169.78 19.67 0 199 21961 114.97 287.69
Median Season Length WFD r band 144.75 145.54 17.44 39 230 21961 72.69 246.66
80thPercentile Season Length WFD i band 168.23 172.05 18.46 0 268 21961 125.65 295.54
Median Season Length WFD i band 147.67 148.33 15.73 112 235 21961 68.90 250.70
80thPercentile Season Length WFD z band 171.65 174.19 19.34 0 231 21961 119.89 302.04
Median Season Length WFD z band 147.29 147.73 16.89 77 260 21961 50.89 246.71
80thPercentile Season Length WFD y band 162.89 164.70 21.26 2 299 21961 96.80 268.10
Median Season Length WFD y band 139.81 136.26 19.29 36 228 21961 57.82 261.69

Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: All sky

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky all bands.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky u band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky g band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky r band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky i band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky z band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max moonDistance for All sky y band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky all bands.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky u band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky g band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky r band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky i band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky z band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median moonDistance for All sky y band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky all bands.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky u band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky g band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky r band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky i band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky z band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min moonDistance for All sky y band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky all bands.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky u band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky g band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky r band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky i band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky z band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of moonDistance for All sky y band.

Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max moonDistance All sky all bands 161.48 156.12 20.20 45 0 33574 38.00 179.98
Median moonDistance All sky all bands 89.25 91.00 10.30 53 510 33574 36.72 168.47
Min moonDistance All sky all bands 29.92 34.97 14.07 0 334 33574 0.79 168.47
Max moonDistance All sky u band 155.29 150.87 21.55 183 0 31085 29.37 179.75
Median moonDistance All sky u band 126.73 124.19 15.69 184 95 31085 29.37 177.38
Min moonDistance All sky u band 53.47 57.07 22.31 0 809 31085 9.59 177.32
Max moonDistance All sky g band 159.47 154.25 19.83 28 0 33477 30.94 179.89
Median moonDistance All sky g band 114.50 112.92 15.93 310 79 33477 17.57 172.10
Min moonDistance All sky g band 43.20 44.46 16.86 0 196 33477 1.02 172.10
Max moonDistance All sky r band 160.93 155.57 20.12 27 0 33527 31.13 179.98
Median moonDistance All sky r band 112.82 112.39 11.02 170 151 33527 31.13 172.52
Min moonDistance All sky r band 33.81 38.70 14.99 0 161 33527 0.90 172.52
Max moonDistance All sky i band 160.11 154.84 20.36 94 0 33544 31.74 179.82
Median moonDistance All sky i band 91.78 92.61 9.60 109 225 33544 29.37 167.23
Min moonDistance All sky i band 31.43 36.30 14.00 0 355 33544 0.96 162.26
Max moonDistance All sky z band 157.73 152.93 20.55 142 0 33505 31.62 179.67
Median moonDistance All sky z band 74.23 75.70 12.12 43 455 33505 16.45 168.43
Min moonDistance All sky z band 30.81 36.02 13.80 0 424 33505 0.79 166.15
Max moonDistance All sky y band 142.78 137.80 29.08 612 0 31150 3.02 179.11
Median moonDistance All sky y band 55.44 57.63 14.52 371 224 31150 1.49 171.61
Min moonDistance All sky y band 30.28 36.50 16.11 0 172 31150 0.84 171.61
Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile moonDistance 75th%ile moonDistance Count moonDistance Max moonDistance Mean moonDistance Median moonDistance Min moonDistance N(+3Sigma) moonDistance N(-3Sigma) moonDistance Rms moonDistance
All sky all bands 61.05 122.75 2131985 179.98 92.65 89.58 0.79 0 0 37.90
All sky g band 83.67 134.38 206059 179.89 108.14 110.19 1.02 0 14 34.62
All sky i band 64.53 124.46 497087 179.82 94.81 91.69 0.96 0 0 37.26
All sky r band 80.92 134.60 485541 179.98 107.12 108.48 0.90 0 3 35.00
All sky u band 98.28 141.91 121837 179.75 118.56 121.05 9.59 0 68 30.47
All sky y band 44.43 80.69 387209 179.11 65.58 59.90 0.84 5308 0 27.40
All sky z band 54.06 108.21 434252 179.67 83.50 77.24 0.79 0 0 36.27

Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: WFD

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD all bands.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD u band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD g band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD r band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD i band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD z band.

Max moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max moonDistance for WFD y band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD all bands.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD u band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD g band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD r band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD i band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD z band.

Median moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median moonDistance for WFD y band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD all bands.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD u band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD g band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD r band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD i band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD z band.

Min moonDistance HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min moonDistance for WFD y band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD all bands.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD u band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD g band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD r band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD i band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD z band.

moonDistance Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of moonDistance for WFD y band.

Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max moonDistance WFD all bands 159.83 155.54 19.80 0 0 21961 97.03 179.98
Median moonDistance WFD all bands 88.34 88.73 5.49 7 91 21961 70.42 111.67
Min moonDistance WFD all bands 29.57 34.83 13.19 0 435 21961 4.61 83.94
Max moonDistance WFD u band 157.94 153.82 19.44 1 0 21961 95.13 179.75
Median moonDistance WFD u band 127.86 125.62 12.53 155 0 21961 79.37 160.25
Min moonDistance WFD u band 48.77 50.20 13.07 10 2 21961 9.59 92.64
Max moonDistance WFD g band 158.40 153.86 19.52 0 0 21961 95.66 179.89
Median moonDistance WFD g band 114.47 113.57 12.80 125 14 21961 46.24 164.81
Min moonDistance WFD g band 42.00 43.29 13.91 0 2 21961 4.61 85.38
Max moonDistance WFD r band 159.41 155.10 19.71 0 0 21961 96.66 179.98
Median moonDistance WFD r band 112.45 112.04 8.27 8 0 21961 85.30 136.66
Min moonDistance WFD r band 32.96 37.59 12.95 0 358 21961 4.76 84.92
Max moonDistance WFD i band 158.90 154.75 19.72 0 0 21961 96.95 179.82
Median moonDistance WFD i band 91.12 92.00 7.67 4 101 21961 65.01 131.16
Min moonDistance WFD i band 30.84 35.90 12.96 0 426 21961 4.68 84.64
Max moonDistance WFD z band 157.99 153.78 19.61 0 0 21961 96.52 179.67
Median moonDistance WFD z band 73.43 74.11 8.19 4 93 21961 48.49 114.35
Min moonDistance WFD z band 30.27 35.60 12.96 0 446 21961 4.92 84.71
Max moonDistance WFD y band 148.23 145.83 19.61 0 0 21961 93.92 179.11
Median moonDistance WFD y band 55.73 57.82 9.43 0 401 21961 38.42 96.75
Min moonDistance WFD y band 29.99 35.54 12.88 0 469 21961 4.84 86.16
Group: Moondistance; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile moonDistance 75th%ile moonDistance Count moonDistance Max moonDistance Mean moonDistance Median moonDistance Min moonDistance N(+3Sigma) moonDistance N(-3Sigma) moonDistance Rms moonDistance
WFD all bands 61.05 122.75 2131985 179.98 92.65 89.58 0.79 0 0 37.90
WFD g band 83.67 134.38 206059 179.89 108.14 110.19 1.02 0 14 34.62
WFD i band 64.53 124.46 497087 179.82 94.81 91.69 0.96 0 0 37.26
WFD r band 80.92 134.60 485541 179.98 107.12 108.48 0.90 0 3 35.00
WFD u band 98.28 141.91 121837 179.75 118.56 121.05 9.59 0 68 30.47
WFD y band 44.43 80.69 387209 179.11 65.58 59.90 0.84 5308 0 27.40
WFD z band 54.06 108.21 434252 179.67 83.50 77.24 0.79 0 0 36.27

Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: All sky

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max normairmass for All sky all bands.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky u band.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky g band.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky r band.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky i band.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky z band.

Max normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max normairmass for All sky y band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median normairmass for All sky all bands.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky u band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky g band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky r band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky i band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky z band.

Median normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median normairmass for All sky y band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min normairmass for All sky all bands.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky u band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky g band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky r band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky i band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky z band.

Min normairmass HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min normairmass for All sky y band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of normairmass for All sky all bands.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky u band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky g band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky r band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky i band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky z band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of normairmass for All sky y band.

Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max normairmass All sky all bands 2.36 2.30 0.39 98 0 33574 1.00 2.92
Median normairmass All sky all bands 1.07 1.08 0.05 0 139 33574 1.00 1.53
Min normairmass All sky all bands 1.00 1.00 0.0076 0 690 33574 1.00 1.39
Max normairmass All sky u band 1.63 1.66 0.30 0 163 31085 1.00 2.71
Median normairmass All sky u band 1.07 1.09 0.06 0 380 31085 1.00 1.85
Min normairmass All sky u band 1.00 1.01 0.04 0 379 31085 1.00 1.85
Max normairmass All sky g band 1.87 1.85 0.29 0 21 33477 1.00 2.78
Median normairmass All sky g band 1.09 1.11 0.09 0 584 33477 1.00 2.16
Min normairmass All sky g band 1.00 1.01 0.0148 0 274 33477 1.00 1.57
Max normairmass All sky r band 2.05 2.01 0.35 0 0 33527 1.00 2.90
Median normairmass All sky r band 1.06 1.08 0.05 0 158 33527 1.00 1.86
Min normairmass All sky r band 1.00 1.00 0.0109 0 249 33527 1.00 1.63
Max normairmass All sky i band 2.18 2.15 0.42 0 0 33544 1.00 2.92
Median normairmass All sky i band 1.06 1.08 0.05 0 98 33544 1.00 1.89
Min normairmass All sky i band 1.00 1.00 0.0109 0 211 33544 1.00 1.64
Max normairmass All sky z band 2.13 2.11 0.42 0 0 33505 1.00 2.92
Median normairmass All sky z band 1.08 1.09 0.06 0 413 33505 1.00 1.80
Min normairmass All sky z band 1.00 1.00 0.0116 0 220 33505 1.00 1.40
Max normairmass All sky y band 2.04 2.03 0.35 0 0 31150 1.00 2.88
Median normairmass All sky y band 1.08 1.10 0.06 0 461 31150 1.00 1.79
Min normairmass All sky y band 1.00 1.01 0.04 0 337 31150 1.00 1.79
Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile normairmass 75th%ile normairmass Count normairmass Max normairmass Mean normairmass Median normairmass Min normairmass N(+3Sigma) normairmass N(-3Sigma) normairmass Rms normairmass
All sky all bands 1.03 1.22 2131985 2.92 1.18 1.09 1.00 65258 0 0.26
All sky g band 1.03 1.27 206059 2.78 1.20 1.10 1.00 4790 0 0.25
All sky i band 1.02 1.21 497087 2.92 1.19 1.08 1.00 16471 0 0.29
All sky r band 1.02 1.20 485541 2.90 1.17 1.08 1.00 16540 0 0.25
All sky u band 1.02 1.18 121837 2.71 1.14 1.08 1.00 2942 0 0.18
All sky y band 1.03 1.22 387209 2.88 1.17 1.10 1.00 9141 0 0.21
All sky z band 1.03 1.25 434252 2.92 1.21 1.10 1.00 13564 0 0.29

Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: WFD

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max normairmass for WFD all bands.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD u band.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD g band.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD r band.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD i band.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD z band.

Max normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max normairmass for WFD y band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median normairmass for WFD all bands.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD u band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD g band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD r band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD i band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD z band.

Median normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median normairmass for WFD y band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min normairmass for WFD all bands.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD u band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD g band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD r band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD i band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD z band.

Min normairmass HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min normairmass for WFD y band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of normairmass for WFD all bands.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD u band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD g band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD r band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD i band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD z band.

normairmass Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of normairmass for WFD y band.

Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max normairmass WFD all bands 2.47 2.46 0.26 4 0 21961 1.58 2.92
Median normairmass WFD all bands 1.07 1.09 0.05 0 17 21961 1.02 1.38
Min normairmass WFD all bands 1.00 1.00 0.0073 0 579 21961 1.00 1.03
Max normairmass WFD u band 1.70 1.73 0.28 0 122 21961 1.12 2.71
Median normairmass WFD u band 1.07 1.08 0.05 0 177 21961 1.01 1.45
Min normairmass WFD u band 1.00 1.01 0.0158 0 101 21961 1.00 1.09
Max normairmass WFD g band 1.94 1.95 0.23 3 52 21961 1.23 2.78
Median normairmass WFD g band 1.10 1.11 0.08 0 364 21961 1.00 1.94
Min normairmass WFD g band 1.00 1.01 0.0138 0 187 21961 1.00 1.08
Max normairmass WFD r band 2.18 2.14 0.27 1 0 21961 1.32 2.90
Median normairmass WFD r band 1.07 1.08 0.05 0 19 21961 1.01 1.39
Min normairmass WFD r band 1.00 1.01 0.0099 0 218 21961 1.00 1.05
Max normairmass WFD i band 2.31 2.30 0.32 0 0 21961 1.40 2.92
Median normairmass WFD i band 1.07 1.08 0.05 0 5 21961 1.01 1.39
Min normairmass WFD i band 1.00 1.01 0.0097 0 122 21961 1.00 1.04
Max normairmass WFD z band 2.27 2.27 0.32 0 0 21961 1.45 2.92
Median normairmass WFD z band 1.08 1.09 0.05 0 34 21961 1.01 1.42
Min normairmass WFD z band 1.00 1.01 0.0099 0 211 21961 1.00 1.05
Max normairmass WFD y band 2.12 2.14 0.28 0 0 21961 1.31 2.88
Median normairmass WFD y band 1.08 1.09 0.04 0 64 21961 1.02 1.33
Min normairmass WFD y band 1.00 1.01 0.0117 0 57 21961 1.00 1.05
Group: Normairmass; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile normairmass 75th%ile normairmass Count normairmass Max normairmass Mean normairmass Median normairmass Min normairmass N(+3Sigma) normairmass N(-3Sigma) normairmass Rms normairmass
WFD all bands 1.03 1.22 2131985 2.92 1.18 1.09 1.00 65258 0 0.26
WFD g band 1.03 1.27 206059 2.78 1.20 1.10 1.00 4790 0 0.25
WFD i band 1.02 1.21 497087 2.92 1.19 1.08 1.00 16471 0 0.29
WFD r band 1.02 1.20 485541 2.90 1.17 1.08 1.00 16540 0 0.25
WFD u band 1.02 1.18 121837 2.71 1.14 1.08 1.00 2942 0 0.18
WFD y band 1.03 1.22 387209 2.88 1.17 1.10 1.00 9141 0 0.21
WFD z band 1.03 1.25 434252 2.92 1.21 1.10 1.00 13564 0 0.29

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: All visits

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: All visits; Slicer: UniSlicer
All visits 2131985.00

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: DDF

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: DDF; Slicer: UniSlicer
DDF 128645.00

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: WFD

Group: Nvisit Summary; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
WFD 1709810.00

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: All sky

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Number of visits per healpix in All sky all bands.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky u band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky g band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky r band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky i band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky z band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Number of visits per healpix in All sky y band.

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
NVisits All sky all bands 807.00 693.22 934.60 0 102 33574 1.00 39023.00
NVisits All sky u band 49.00 42.78 45.80 0 101 31085 1.00 1919.00
NVisits All sky g band 67.00 67.19 105.61 0 101 33477 1.00 4586.00
NVisits All sky r band 178.00 158.09 211.27 0 103 33527 1.00 8841.00
NVisits All sky i band 184.00 161.78 213.26 0 102 33544 1.00 9027.00
NVisits All sky z band 159.00 141.49 240.33 0 102 33505 1.00 10209.00
NVisits All sky y band 159.00 135.71 127.02 0 97 31150 1.00 4556.00

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: WFD

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Number of visits per healpix in WFD all bands.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD u band.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD g band.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD r band.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD i band.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD z band.

NVisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Number of visits per healpix in WFD y band.

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
NVisits WFD all bands 832.00 893.95 1065.84 0 91 21961 751.00 39023.00
NVisits WFD u band 52.00 53.48 48.92 0 90 21961 20.00 1919.00
NVisits WFD g band 71.00 80.79 124.44 0 92 21961 45.00 4586.00
NVisits WFD r band 185.00 201.06 241.75 0 90 21961 149.00 8841.00
NVisits WFD i band 192.00 205.95 243.88 0 92 21961 151.00 9027.00
NVisits WFD z band 167.00 183.01 279.51 0 92 21961 119.00 10209.00
NVisits WFD y band 165.00 169.66 130.91 0 89 21961 81.00 4556.00

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 all bands.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 u band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 g band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 r band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 i band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 z band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 1 y band.

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
NVisits Yr 1 all bands 83.00 78.55 138.56 0 82 33387 1.00 7999.00
NVisits Yr 1 u band 6.00 6.11 7.46 0 71 29733 1.00 414.00
NVisits Yr 1 g band 7.00 8.59 16.32 0 82 33171 1.00 920.00
NVisits Yr 1 r band 17.00 16.51 31.67 0 83 33250 1.00 1838.00
NVisits Yr 1 i band 19.00 17.92 31.89 0 82 33279 1.00 1870.00
NVisits Yr 1 z band 15.00 14.80 35.11 0 81 33233 1.00 2009.00
NVisits Yr 1 y band 18.00 17.32 18.65 0 78 29955 1.00 975.00

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 all bands

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 all bands.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 u band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 u band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 g band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 g band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 r band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 r band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 i band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 i band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 z band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 z band.

NVisits HealpixSlicer Yr 3-4 y band

Number of visits per healpix in Yr 3-4 y band.

Group: Nvisits Maps; Subgroup: Yr 3-4; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
NVisits Yr 3-4 all bands 55.00 61.53 41.17 0 0 33286 1.00 181.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 u band 4.00 4.58 3.08 0 123 25186 1.00 18.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 g band 5.00 5.69 4.42 0 553 30488 1.00 45.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 r band 12.00 13.87 9.29 0 29 32838 1.00 49.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 i band 12.00 14.38 9.84 0 22 32827 1.00 54.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 z band 12.00 13.22 9.18 0 35 32475 1.00 48.00
NVisits Yr 3-4 y band 13.00 13.79 8.71 0 11 29170 1.00 45.00

Group: Nvisits Per Night; Subgroup: All visits

Nvisits OneDSlicer All visits

Number of visits per night for All visits.

Group: Nvisits Per Night; Subgroup: All visits; Slicer: OneDSlicer
Median 779.00
Mean 758.90
Rms 217.74
N(-3Sigma) 0
N(+3Sigma) 0
Count 2808
Min 125.00
Max 1090.00

Group: Nvisits Per Night; Subgroup: DDF

Nvisits OneDSlicer DDF

Number of visits per night for DDF.

Group: Nvisits Per Night; Subgroup: DDF; Slicer: OneDSlicer
Median 92.00
Mean 100.59
Rms 58.08
N(-3Sigma) 0
N(+3Sigma) 30
Count 1278
Min 1.00
Max 436.00

Group: Open Shutter Fraction; Subgroup: All visits

Group: Open Shutter Fraction; Subgroup: All visits; Slicer: UniSlicer
CountUnique night FullRange night OpenShutterFraction
All visits 2809 3652.00 0.72

Group: Open Shutter Fraction; Subgroup: Per night

OpenShutterFraction OneDSlicer Per night

Open shutter fraction per night. This compares on-sky image time against on-sky time + slews + filter changes + readout, but does not include downtime due to weather.

Group: Open Shutter Fraction; Subgroup: Per night; Slicer: OneDSlicer
Median 0.72
Mean 0.72
Rms 0.0204
N(-3Sigma) 55
N(+3Sigma) 0
Count 2808
Min 0.58
Max 0.77

Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: All sky

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky all bands.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky u band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky g band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky r band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky i band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky z band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for All sky y band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky all bands.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky u band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky g band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky r band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky i band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky z band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for All sky y band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky all bands.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky u band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky g band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky r band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky i band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky z band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for All sky y band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky all bands.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky u band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky g band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky r band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky i band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky z band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for All sky y band.

Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky all bands 192.77 203.05 87.97 0 0 33574 0.0025 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky all bands 282.83 280.91 51.42 182 0 33574 0.0000 357.14
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky all bands 64.39 64.53 11.75 101 50 33574 0.0000 119.15
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky u band 205.26 218.04 85.27 0 0 31085 0.0128 359.99
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky u band 243.64 233.55 66.43 983 0 31085 0.0000 343.96
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky u band 62.21 61.57 16.68 876 6 31085 0.0000 116.05
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky g band 180.00 178.52 85.32 0 0 33477 0.0064 359.99
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky g band 261.28 255.13 52.64 239 0 33477 0.0000 350.21
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky g band 65.15 66.62 15.69 145 13 33477 0.0000 127.51
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky r band 189.78 196.75 88.45 0 0 33527 0.0117 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky r band 273.35 267.24 50.13 211 0 33527 0.0000 350.67
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky r band 63.44 64.20 12.14 126 120 33527 0.0000 110.22
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky i band 198.93 210.40 85.13 0 0 33544 0.0098 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky i band 267.96 265.27 52.09 216 0 33544 0.0000 353.66
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky i band 61.76 62.89 11.71 157 85 33544 0.0000 111.81
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky z band 196.21 205.13 86.57 0 0 33505 0.0158 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky z band 265.90 261.82 54.93 225 0 33505 0.0000 353.28
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky z band 62.62 63.51 13.54 145 54 33505 0.0000 116.70
AngleMean rotSkyPos All sky y band 212.40 220.92 84.01 0 0 31150 0.0018 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos All sky y band 258.53 250.18 61.85 905 0 31150 0.0000 349.09
AngleRms rotSkyPos All sky y band 60.11 59.77 13.59 801 12 31150 0.0000 112.50
Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
FullRangeAngle rotSkyPos Max rotSkyPos MeanAngle rotSkyPos Min rotSkyPos RmsAngle rotSkyPos
All sky all bands 359.99 360.00 215.53 0.0002 91.99
All sky g band 359.96 359.99 183.20 0.0161 88.10
All sky i band 359.98 360.00 218.51 0.0014 88.79
All sky r band 359.99 360.00 209.09 0.0013 94.15
All sky u band 359.94 359.99 223.04 0.0013 87.33
All sky y band 359.97 360.00 229.52 0.0002 85.70
All sky z band 359.98 360.00 216.13 0.0035 86.92

Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: WFD

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD all bands.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD u band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD g band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD r band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD i band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD z band.

AngleMean rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of AngleMean rotSkyPos for WFD y band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD all bands.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD u band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD g band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD r band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD i band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD z band.

AngleRange rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of AngleRange rotSkyPos for WFD y band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD all bands.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD u band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD g band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD r band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD i band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD z band.

AngleRms rotSkyPos HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of AngleRms rotSkyPos for WFD y band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD all bands.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD u band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD g band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD r band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD i band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD z band.

rotSkyPos Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of rotSkyPos for WFD y band.

Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD all bands 208.47 215.69 87.59 0 0 21961 0.0025 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD all bands 297.22 296.37 39.70 0 0 21961 210.89 357.14
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD all bands 66.61 66.52 10.72 1 31 21961 33.00 102.14
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD u band 217.71 225.61 81.58 0 0 21961 0.0128 359.96
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD u band 260.54 257.27 38.41 1 0 21961 133.26 343.96
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD u band 63.98 65.24 10.87 0 131 21961 33.15 116.05
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD g band 185.34 187.59 88.95 0 0 21961 0.0206 359.99
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD g band 278.57 272.42 40.23 2 0 21961 143.97 350.21
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD g band 69.87 69.87 14.34 0 11 21961 31.02 127.51
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD r band 199.68 209.06 89.86 0 0 21961 0.0117 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD r band 289.63 283.82 37.98 0 0 21961 189.98 350.67
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD r band 65.56 66.21 11.27 0 99 21961 33.94 109.72
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD i band 218.70 223.43 84.12 0 0 21961 0.0098 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD i band 288.46 283.61 39.76 0 0 21961 184.48 353.66
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD i band 64.42 65.18 10.52 1 82 21961 32.16 106.06
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD z band 213.33 218.94 85.37 0 0 21961 0.0158 360.00
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD z band 286.58 282.22 40.24 0 0 21961 166.79 353.28
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD z band 65.64 66.30 11.94 1 62 21961 29.71 115.96
AngleMean rotSkyPos WFD y band 216.40 220.64 84.01 0 0 21961 0.0040 359.99
AngleRange rotSkyPos WFD y band 273.60 271.18 37.41 1 0 21961 152.32 349.09
AngleRms rotSkyPos WFD y band 61.64 62.62 9.48 0 187 21961 38.58 112.50
Group: Rotskypos; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
FullRangeAngle rotSkyPos Max rotSkyPos MeanAngle rotSkyPos Min rotSkyPos RmsAngle rotSkyPos
WFD all bands 359.99 360.00 215.53 0.0002 91.99
WFD g band 359.96 359.99 183.20 0.0161 88.10
WFD i band 359.98 360.00 218.51 0.0014 88.79
WFD r band 359.99 360.00 209.09 0.0013 94.15
WFD u band 359.94 359.99 223.04 0.0013 87.33
WFD y band 359.97 360.00 229.52 0.0002 85.70
WFD z band 359.98 360.00 216.13 0.0035 86.92

Group: SRD FO metrics; Subgroup: All sky

fO HealpixSlicer All sky

The FO metric evaluates the overall efficiency of observing. foNv: out of 18000.00 sq degrees, the area receives at least X and a median of Y visits (out of 825, if compared to benchmark). fOArea: this many sq deg (out of 18000.00 sq deg if compared to benchmark) receives at least 825 visits.

Group: SRD FO metrics; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
fOArea 5614.87
fOArea/benchmark 0.31
fOArea_750 18475.37
fONv MedianNvis 810.00
fONv MinNvis 758.00
fONv/benchmark MedianNvis 0.98
fONv/benchmark MinNvis 0.92

Group: SRD FO metrics; Subgroup: WFD

fO HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

The FO metric evaluates the overall efficiency of observing. foNv: out of 18000.00 sq degrees, the area receives at least X and a median of Y visits (out of 825, if compared to benchmark). fOArea: this many sq deg (out of 18000.00 sq deg if compared to benchmark) receives at least 825 visits.

Group: SRD FO metrics; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
fOArea 5609.00
fOArea/benchmark 0.31
fOArea_750 18431.73
fONv MedianNvis 810.00
fONv MinNvis 758.00
fONv/benchmark MedianNvis 0.98
fONv/benchmark MinNvis 0.92

Group: SRD Parallax; Subgroup: All sky

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 HealpixSlicer All sky y band only

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Parallax Coverage @ 22.4 HealpixSlicer All sky

Parallax factor coverage for an r=22.40 star (0 is bad, 0.5-1 is good). One expects the parallax factor coverage to vary because stars on the ecliptic can be observed when they have no parallax offset while stars at the pole are always offset by the full parallax offset.

Parallax Coverage @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Parallax factor coverage for an r=24.00 star (0 is bad, 0.5-1 is good). One expects the parallax factor coverage to vary because stars on the ecliptic can be observed when they have no parallax offset while stars at the pole are always offset by the full parallax offset.

Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 HealpixSlicer All sky y band only

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 HealpixSlicer All sky

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis.

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis.

Group: SRD Parallax; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max 95th Percentile Parallax Uncert Area better than 11.5 mas uncertainty Median Parallax Uncert (18k)
Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 All sky 2.52 4.11 10.11 0 210 33574 0.36 451.12 9.86 27301.38 2.18
Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 All sky 10.10 17.00 43.95 0 210 33574 1.40 1966.62 42.11 17599.99 8.66
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 All sky 0.73 0.74 0.12 25 0 33574 0.20 1.01 -- -- --
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 All sky 0.73 0.74 0.12 25 0 33574 0.20 1.01 -- -- --
Parallax Coverage @ 22.4 All sky 0.55 0.56 0.08 224 94 33567 0.0000 0.93 -- -- --
Parallax Coverage @ 24.0 All sky 0.55 0.55 0.08 227 100 33567 0.0000 0.93 -- -- --
Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 All sky 0.35 0.34 0.24 1 0 33574 -0.44 0.99 -- -- --
Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 All sky 0.35 0.34 0.25 1 0 33574 -0.44 0.99 -- -- --
Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 All sky y band only 9.22 19.72 77.32 0 306 31150 1.44 4871.36 44.14 18446.00 8.26
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 All sky y band only 0.76 0.77 0.12 157 0 31150 0.0271 1.01 0.97 26144.00 0.71

Group: SRD Parallax; Subgroup: WFD

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band only

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric displays the estimated uncertainty in the parallax measurement, divided by the minimum parallax uncertainty possible (if all visits were six months apart). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling for parallax measurement.

Parallax Coverage @ 22.4 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Parallax factor coverage for an r=22.40 star (0 is bad, 0.5-1 is good). One expects the parallax factor coverage to vary because stars on the ecliptic can be observed when they have no parallax offset while stars at the pole are always offset by the full parallax offset.

Parallax Coverage @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Parallax factor coverage for an r=24.00 star (0 is bad, 0.5-1 is good). One expects the parallax factor coverage to vary because stars on the ecliptic can be observed when they have no parallax offset while stars at the pole are always offset by the full parallax offset.

Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band only

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty in parallax measurement (assuming no proper motion or that proper motion is well fit). Uses measurements in all bandpasses, and estimates astrometric error based on SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 calculated on a HealpixSubsetSlicer basis.

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 calculated on a HealpixSubsetSlicer basis.

Group: SRD Parallax; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max 95th Percentile Parallax Uncert Area better than 11.5 mas uncertainty Median Parallax Uncert (18k)
Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 WFD 2.24 2.29 0.54 73 129 21961 0.36 4.57 3.30 18431.73 2.23
Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 WFD 8.95 9.19 2.35 59 157 21961 1.40 19.50 13.71 15748.51 8.88
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 22.4 WFD 0.73 0.75 0.11 0 0 21961 0.52 0.99 -- -- --
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 24.0 WFD 0.73 0.75 0.11 0 0 21961 0.51 0.99 -- -- --
Parallax Coverage @ 22.4 WFD 0.56 0.57 0.06 0 162 21961 0.43 0.81 -- -- --
Parallax Coverage @ 24.0 WFD 0.56 0.56 0.06 0 178 21961 0.42 0.81 -- -- --
Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 22.4 WFD 0.35 0.34 0.24 0 0 21961 -0.24 0.81 -- -- --
Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ 24.0 WFD 0.35 0.34 0.25 0 0 21961 -0.25 0.81 -- -- --
Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 WFD y band only 8.40 8.63 2.01 69 203 21961 1.44 18.29 12.33 16834.55 8.35
Normalized Parallax Uncert @ 21.3 WFD y band only 0.75 0.76 0.11 0 0 21961 0.51 0.99 0.96 18431.73 0.74

Group: SRD Proper Motion; Subgroup: All sky

Normalized Proper Motion Uncert @ 20.5 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric represents the estimated uncertainty in the proper motion divided by the minimum uncertainty possible (if all visits were obtained on the first and last days of the survey). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling.

Normalized Proper Motion Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric represents the estimated uncertainty in the proper motion divided by the minimum uncertainty possible (if all visits were obtained on the first and last days of the survey). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling.

Proper Motion Uncert @ 20.5 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Proper Motion Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSlicer All sky

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Group: SRD Proper Motion; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Median 0.20 2.42 0.60 0.61
Mean 345.90 8617.45 0.59 0.60
Rms 31785.73 797183.09 0.04 0.05
N(-3Sigma) 0 0 161 142
N(+3Sigma) 6 6 240 154
Count 33503 33503 33503 33503
Min 0.03 0.44 0.0000 0.0000
Max 4936390.85 124385194.00 1.31 1.39
95th Percentile Proper Motion Uncert 0.44 6.63 -- --
Median Proper Motion Uncert (18k) 0.19 2.12 -- --

Group: SRD Proper Motion; Subgroup: WFD

Normalized Proper Motion Uncert @ 20.5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric represents the estimated uncertainty in the proper motion divided by the minimum uncertainty possible (if all visits were obtained on the first and last days of the survey). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling.

Normalized Proper Motion Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED. This normalized version of the metric represents the estimated uncertainty in the proper motion divided by the minimum uncertainty possible (if all visits were obtained on the first and last days of the survey). Values closer to 1 indicate more optimal scheduling.

Proper Motion Uncert @ 20.5 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Proper Motion Uncert @ 24.0 HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Estimated uncertainty of the proper motion fit (assuming no parallax or that parallax is well fit). Uses visits in all bands, and generates approximate astrometric errors using the SNR in each visit. Assumes a flat SED.

Group: SRD Proper Motion; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Median 0.19 2.16 0.59 0.61
Mean 0.19 2.26 0.59 0.60
Rms 0.0189 0.44 0.0277 0.04
N(-3Sigma) 109 87 5 8
N(+3Sigma) 46 153 0 2
Count 21961 21961 21961 21961
Min 0.03 0.44 0.50 0.47
Max 0.26 4.23 0.67 0.74
95th Percentile Proper Motion Uncert 0.21 2.87 -- --
Median Proper Motion Uncert (18k) 0.19 2.15 -- --

Group: SRD Rapid Revisits; Subgroup: All sky

NumberOfQuickRevisits HealpixSlicer All sky

Number of consecutive visits with return times faster than 30.0 minutes, in any filter, all proposals.

RapidRevisits HealpixSlicer All sky

Rapid Revisit: area that receives at least 82 visits between 0.667 and 30.0 minutes, with at least 28 of those visits falling between 0.667 and 20.0 minutes. Summary statistic "Area" indicates the area on the sky which meets this requirement. (SRD design specification is 2000 sq deg).

Group: SRD Rapid Revisits; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Median 177.00 --
Mean 197.97 --
Rms 874.07 --
N(-3Sigma) 0 --
N(+3Sigma) 101 --
Min 0.0000 --
Max 37895.00 --
Area (sq deg) -- 31488.34

Group: SRD Rapid Revisits; Subgroup: WFD

NumberOfQuickRevisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Number of consecutive visits with return times faster than 30.0 minutes, in any filter, all proposals.

RapidRevisits HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD

Rapid Revisit: area that receives at least 82 visits between 0.667 and 30.0 minutes, with at least 28 of those visits falling between 0.667 and 20.0 minutes. Summary statistic "Area" indicates the area on the sky which meets this requirement. (SRD design specification is 2000 sq deg).

Group: SRD Rapid Revisits; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Median 199.00 --
Mean 259.83 --
Rms 1048.80 --
N(-3Sigma) 0 --
N(+3Sigma) 91 --
Min 90.00 --
Max 37895.00 --
Area (sq deg) -- 41251.08

Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: All sky

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky all bands.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky u band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky g band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky r band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky i band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky z band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max saturation_mag for All sky y band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky all bands.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky u band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky g band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky r band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky i band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky z band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median saturation_mag for All sky y band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky all bands.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky u band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky g band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky r band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky i band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky z band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min saturation_mag for All sky y band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky all bands.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky u band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky g band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky r band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky i band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky z band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of saturation_mag for All sky y band.

Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max saturation_mag All sky all bands 15.75 15.69 0.33 541 0 33574 12.91 16.31
Median saturation_mag All sky all bands 14.10 14.10 0.22 138 7 33574 11.98 15.13
Min saturation_mag All sky all bands 11.18 11.18 0.60 46 119 33574 9.33 15.00
Max saturation_mag All sky u band 14.01 13.94 0.49 622 0 31085 10.14 15.02
Median saturation_mag All sky u band 12.98 12.94 0.36 475 32 31085 10.14 14.29
Min saturation_mag All sky u band 11.49 11.49 0.54 0 173 31085 9.95 14.29
Max saturation_mag All sky g band 15.65 15.57 0.38 651 0 33477 12.17 16.31
Median saturation_mag All sky g band 14.49 14.44 0.32 282 0 33477 12.17 15.34
Min saturation_mag All sky g band 12.78 12.75 0.47 117 97 33477 11.07 15.34
Max saturation_mag All sky r band 15.69 15.62 0.35 720 0 33527 12.15 16.30
Median saturation_mag All sky r band 14.56 14.52 0.30 344 3 33527 12.15 15.45
Min saturation_mag All sky r band 12.61 12.59 0.48 261 69 33527 10.83 15.45
Max saturation_mag All sky i band 15.55 15.48 0.30 672 0 33544 12.74 16.14
Median saturation_mag All sky i band 14.46 14.43 0.28 204 0 33544 12.74 15.05
Min saturation_mag All sky i band 12.46 12.44 0.53 193 64 33544 10.58 15.00
Max saturation_mag All sky z band 15.15 15.09 0.31 573 0 33505 11.73 15.72
Median saturation_mag All sky z band 14.06 14.04 0.25 381 1 33505 11.73 14.79
Min saturation_mag All sky z band 12.27 12.23 0.52 271 58 33505 9.97 14.79
Max saturation_mag All sky y band 14.12 14.05 0.34 517 0 31150 11.27 14.71
Median saturation_mag All sky y band 13.13 13.09 0.22 502 17 31150 11.27 13.99
Min saturation_mag All sky y band 11.35 11.30 0.61 56 133 31150 9.33 13.85
Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile saturation_mag 75th%ile saturation_mag Count saturation_mag Max saturation_mag Mean saturation_mag Median saturation_mag Min saturation_mag N(+3Sigma) saturation_mag N(-3Sigma) saturation_mag Rms saturation_mag
All sky all bands 13.43 14.69 2131985 16.31 14.03 14.11 9.33 0 7216 0.86
All sky g band 13.96 14.96 206059 16.31 14.42 14.47 11.07 0 785 0.71
All sky i band 14.00 14.90 497087 16.14 14.40 14.49 10.58 0 3434 0.65
All sky r band 14.09 15.01 485541 16.30 14.51 14.58 10.83 0 2618 0.65
All sky u band 12.56 13.37 121837 15.02 12.93 12.99 9.95 12 809 0.63
All sky y band 12.72 13.47 387209 14.71 13.06 13.13 9.33 0 3169 0.58
All sky z band 13.66 14.48 434252 15.72 14.03 14.09 9.97 0 2843 0.62

Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: WFD

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD all bands.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD u band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD g band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD r band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD i band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD z band.

Max saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max saturation_mag for WFD y band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD all bands.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD u band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD g band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD r band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD i band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD z band.

Median saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median saturation_mag for WFD y band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD all bands.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD u band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD g band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD r band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD i band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD z band.

Min saturation_mag HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min saturation_mag for WFD y band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD all bands.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD u band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD g band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD r band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD i band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD z band.

saturation_mag Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of saturation_mag for WFD y band.

Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max saturation_mag WFD all bands 15.82 15.83 0.18 30 0 21961 15.17 16.31
Median saturation_mag WFD all bands 14.13 14.13 0.18 5 0 21961 13.58 14.63
Min saturation_mag WFD all bands 11.04 10.99 0.49 88 0 21961 9.33 12.21
Max saturation_mag WFD u band 14.07 14.08 0.27 30 56 21961 12.99 15.02
Median saturation_mag WFD u band 13.00 13.00 0.20 39 2 21961 12.13 13.64
Min saturation_mag WFD u band 11.44 11.40 0.44 52 0 21961 9.95 12.59
Max saturation_mag WFD g band 15.72 15.72 0.20 110 0 21961 14.70 16.31
Median saturation_mag WFD g band 14.55 14.53 0.23 61 3 21961 13.37 15.31
Min saturation_mag WFD g band 12.75 12.71 0.44 109 0 21961 11.07 13.83
Max saturation_mag WFD r band 15.76 15.76 0.18 57 10 21961 15.10 16.30
Median saturation_mag WFD r band 14.62 14.62 0.20 15 0 21961 13.95 15.08
Min saturation_mag WFD r band 12.55 12.51 0.45 259 0 21961 10.83 13.73
Max saturation_mag WFD i band 15.61 15.60 0.15 70 57 21961 15.00 16.14
Median saturation_mag WFD i band 14.52 14.52 0.19 10 0 21961 13.87 14.95
Min saturation_mag WFD i band 12.37 12.34 0.49 132 0 21961 10.58 13.72
Max saturation_mag WFD z band 15.20 15.21 0.17 44 12 21961 14.53 15.72
Median saturation_mag WFD z band 14.12 14.12 0.16 9 0 21961 13.60 14.57
Min saturation_mag WFD z band 12.17 12.11 0.47 247 0 21961 9.97 13.49
Max saturation_mag WFD y band 14.17 14.17 0.17 69 33 21961 13.48 14.71
Median saturation_mag WFD y band 13.15 13.14 0.15 76 0 21961 12.57 13.49
Min saturation_mag WFD y band 11.21 11.14 0.55 78 0 21961 9.33 12.47
Group: Saturation_mag; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile saturation_mag 75th%ile saturation_mag Count saturation_mag Max saturation_mag Mean saturation_mag Median saturation_mag Min saturation_mag N(+3Sigma) saturation_mag N(-3Sigma) saturation_mag Rms saturation_mag
WFD all bands 13.43 14.69 2131985 16.31 14.03 14.11 9.33 0 7216 0.86
WFD g band 13.96 14.96 206059 16.31 14.42 14.47 11.07 0 785 0.71
WFD i band 14.00 14.90 497087 16.14 14.40 14.49 10.58 0 3434 0.65
WFD r band 14.09 15.01 485541 16.30 14.51 14.58 10.83 0 2618 0.65
WFD u band 12.56 13.37 121837 15.02 12.93 12.99 9.95 12 809 0.63
WFD y band 12.72 13.47 387209 14.71 13.06 13.13 9.33 0 3169 0.58
WFD z band 13.66 14.48 434252 15.72 14.03 14.09 9.97 0 2843 0.62

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: All sky

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky all bands.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky u band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky g band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky r band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky i band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky z band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky y band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky all bands.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky u band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky g band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky r band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky i band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky z band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky y band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky all bands.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky u band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky g band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky r band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky i band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky z band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for All sky y band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky all bands.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky u band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky g band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky r band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky i band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky z band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for All sky y band.

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max seeingEff All sky all bands 3.09 3.22 0.74 9 289 33574 0.84 6.56
Median seeingEff All sky all bands 1.05 1.08 0.13 0 591 33574 0.81 2.38
Min seeingEff All sky all bands 0.60 0.61 0.09 0 561 33574 0.47 1.99
Max seeingEff All sky u band 2.34 2.40 0.57 1 375 31085 0.66 4.86
Median seeingEff All sky u band 1.24 1.26 0.22 0 367 31085 0.66 4.47
Min seeingEff All sky u band 0.78 0.82 0.23 0 541 31085 0.50 4.47
Max seeingEff All sky g band 2.43 2.52 0.56 4 335 33477 0.78 5.41
Median seeingEff All sky g band 1.14 1.17 0.16 0 373 33477 0.78 3.22
Min seeingEff All sky g band 0.68 0.71 0.13 0 683 33477 0.50 3.22
Max seeingEff All sky r band 2.54 2.62 0.60 6 478 33527 0.70 5.83
Median seeingEff All sky r band 1.06 1.08 0.15 0 479 33527 0.70 3.05
Min seeingEff All sky r band 0.63 0.66 0.12 0 732 33527 0.48 3.05
Max seeingEff All sky i band 2.52 2.62 0.66 0 507 33544 0.79 5.97
Median seeingEff All sky i band 1.02 1.04 0.13 0 352 33544 0.78 2.24
Min seeingEff All sky i band 0.62 0.65 0.10 0 688 33544 0.47 2.24
Max seeingEff All sky z band 2.34 2.45 0.65 0 631 33505 0.73 6.56
Median seeingEff All sky z band 1.03 1.05 0.12 0 498 33505 0.73 2.98
Min seeingEff All sky z band 0.63 0.65 0.10 0 578 33505 0.49 2.98
Max seeingEff All sky y band 2.23 2.36 0.70 0 503 31150 0.72 5.78
Median seeingEff All sky y band 1.00 1.02 0.11 5 494 31150 0.67 2.17
Min seeingEff All sky y band 0.64 0.67 0.13 0 478 31150 0.49 2.17
Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile seeingEff 75th%ile seeingEff Count seeingEff Max seeingEff Mean seeingEff Median seeingEff Min seeingEff N(+3Sigma) seeingEff N(-3Sigma) seeingEff Rms seeingEff
All sky all bands 0.87 1.29 2131985 6.56 1.12 1.04 0.47 32226 0 0.37
All sky g band 0.93 1.43 206059 5.41 1.23 1.15 0.50 3016 0 0.42
All sky i band 0.84 1.26 497087 5.97 1.10 1.01 0.47 7662 0 0.37
All sky r band 0.86 1.30 485541 5.83 1.13 1.05 0.48 7132 0 0.37
All sky u band 1.04 1.48 121837 4.86 1.31 1.23 0.50 1832 0 0.39
All sky y band 0.86 1.20 387209 5.78 1.07 1.00 0.49 5890 0 0.32
All sky z band 0.86 1.24 434252 6.56 1.09 1.02 0.49 6548 0 0.35

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: WFD

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD all bands.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD u band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD g band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD r band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD i band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD z band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD y band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD all bands.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD u band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD g band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD r band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD i band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD z band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD y band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD all bands.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD u band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD g band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD r band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD i band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD z band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for WFD y band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD all bands.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD u band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD g band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD r band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD i band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD z band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for WFD y band.

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max seeingEff WFD all bands 3.21 3.37 0.72 0 205 21961 1.93 6.56
Median seeingEff WFD all bands 1.03 1.03 0.08 0 57 21961 0.87 1.31
Min seeingEff WFD all bands 0.58 0.58 0.04 0 41 21961 0.47 0.74
Max seeingEff WFD u band 2.42 2.50 0.50 0 309 21961 1.41 4.86
Median seeingEff WFD u band 1.23 1.23 0.10 0 65 21961 0.95 1.73
Min seeingEff WFD u band 0.76 0.76 0.09 20 40 21961 0.50 1.16
Max seeingEff WFD g band 2.48 2.58 0.54 0 246 21961 1.53 5.41
Median seeingEff WFD g band 1.12 1.13 0.11 0 113 21961 0.80 1.82
Min seeingEff WFD g band 0.66 0.66 0.06 0 180 21961 0.50 1.01
Max seeingEff WFD r band 2.62 2.73 0.60 0 380 21961 1.56 5.83
Median seeingEff WFD r band 1.03 1.03 0.09 0 72 21961 0.84 1.37
Min seeingEff WFD r band 0.61 0.61 0.05 0 108 21961 0.48 0.81
Max seeingEff WFD i band 2.63 2.74 0.66 0 353 21961 1.44 5.97
Median seeingEff WFD i band 1.00 1.00 0.09 0 50 21961 0.82 1.32
Min seeingEff WFD i band 0.61 0.61 0.04 25 88 21961 0.47 0.79
Max seeingEff WFD z band 2.46 2.58 0.63 0 457 21961 1.35 6.56
Median seeingEff WFD z band 1.01 1.01 0.07 0 36 21961 0.83 1.26
Min seeingEff WFD z band 0.62 0.61 0.05 0 72 21961 0.49 0.83
Max seeingEff WFD y band 2.38 2.53 0.69 0 337 21961 1.37 5.78
Median seeingEff WFD y band 0.99 1.00 0.07 0 105 21961 0.86 1.28
Min seeingEff WFD y band 0.63 0.63 0.05 0 108 21961 0.49 0.83
Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile seeingEff 75th%ile seeingEff Count seeingEff Max seeingEff Mean seeingEff Median seeingEff Min seeingEff N(+3Sigma) seeingEff N(-3Sigma) seeingEff Rms seeingEff
WFD all bands 0.87 1.29 2131985 6.56 1.12 1.04 0.47 32226 0 0.37
WFD g band 0.93 1.43 206059 5.41 1.23 1.15 0.50 3016 0 0.42
WFD i band 0.84 1.26 497087 5.97 1.10 1.01 0.47 7662 0 0.37
WFD r band 0.86 1.30 485541 5.83 1.13 1.05 0.48 7132 0 0.37
WFD u band 1.04 1.48 121837 4.86 1.31 1.23 0.50 1832 0 0.39
WFD y band 0.86 1.20 387209 5.78 1.07 1.00 0.49 5890 0 0.32
WFD z band 0.86 1.24 434252 6.56 1.09 1.02 0.49 6548 0 0.35

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: Yr 1

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 all bands.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 u band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 g band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 r band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 i band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 z band.

Max seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Max seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 y band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 all bands.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 u band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 g band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 r band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 i band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 z band.

Median seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Median seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 y band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 all bands.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 u band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 g band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 r band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 i band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 z band.

Min seeingEff HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Min seeingEff (seeingFwhmEff) for Yr 1 y band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 all bands.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 u band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 u band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 g band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 g band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 r band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 r band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 i band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 i band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 z band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 z band.

seeingEff Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 y band

Histogram of seeingFwhmEff (seeingEff) for Yr 1 y band.

Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max seeingEff Yr 1 all bands 1.99 2.09 0.52 0 414 33387 0.85 5.09
Median seeingEff Yr 1 all bands 0.96 0.99 0.14 0 473 33387 0.76 2.60
Min seeingEff Yr 1 all bands 0.64 0.66 0.11 0 831 33387 0.49 2.42
Max seeingEff Yr 1 u band 1.49 1.58 0.43 0 596 29733 0.70 4.45
Median seeingEff Yr 1 u band 1.11 1.14 0.21 0 288 29733 0.67 3.35
Min seeingEff Yr 1 u band 0.85 0.88 0.18 0 269 29733 0.57 3.35
Max seeingEff Yr 1 g band 1.54 1.60 0.42 0 428 33171 0.65 4.79
Median seeingEff Yr 1 g band 1.06 1.09 0.22 0 419 33171 0.62 2.78
Min seeingEff Yr 1 g band 0.76 0.80 0.17 0 508 33171 0.51 2.78
Max seeingEff Yr 1 r band 1.55 1.62 0.44 0 460 33250 0.71 5.09
Median seeingEff Yr 1 r band 0.95 0.99 0.18 0 454 33250 0.66 3.06
Min seeingEff Yr 1 r band 0.69 0.73 0.15 0 649 33250 0.50 3.06
Max seeingEff Yr 1 i band 1.54 1.61 0.42 0 570 33279 0.64 3.96
Median seeingEff Yr 1 i band 0.93 0.97 0.16 0 538 33279 0.63 2.55
Min seeingEff Yr 1 i band 0.68 0.72 0.14 0 777 33279 0.50 2.51
Max seeingEff Yr 1 z band 1.45 1.53 0.44 0 750 33233 0.69 4.81
Median seeingEff Yr 1 z band 0.95 0.98 0.16 0 501 33233 0.61 3.70
Min seeingEff Yr 1 z band 0.70 0.73 0.13 0 562 33233 0.51 2.47
Max seeingEff Yr 1 y band 1.44 1.51 0.38 0 602 29955 0.65 3.96
Median seeingEff Yr 1 y band 0.94 0.95 0.11 0 388 29955 0.65 2.91
Min seeingEff Yr 1 y band 0.71 0.72 0.10 0 418 29955 0.49 2.30
Group: Seeingeff; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile seeingEff 75th%ile seeingEff Count seeingEff Max seeingEff Mean seeingEff Median seeingEff Min seeingEff N(+3Sigma) seeingEff N(-3Sigma) seeingEff Rms seeingEff
Yr 1 all bands 0.82 1.17 240342 5.09 1.03 0.96 0.49 3901 0 0.31
Yr 1 g band 0.88 1.30 26063 4.79 1.14 1.06 0.51 370 0 0.36
Yr 1 i band 0.79 1.14 54648 3.96 1.01 0.93 0.50 939 0 0.32
Yr 1 r band 0.80 1.16 50291 5.09 1.02 0.95 0.50 806 0 0.31
Yr 1 u band 0.93 1.32 16643 4.45 1.16 1.11 0.57 218 0 0.35
Yr 1 y band 0.82 1.10 47577 3.96 0.99 0.94 0.49 628 0 0.26
Yr 1 z band 0.81 1.13 45120 4.81 1.01 0.94 0.51 695 0 0.29

Group: Seeinggeom; Subgroup: Yr 1

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 all bands.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 u band.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 g band.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 r band.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 i band.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 z band.

Max seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Max seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 y band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 all bands.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 u band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 g band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 r band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 i band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 z band.

Median seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Median seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 y band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 all bands.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 u band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 g band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 r band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 i band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 z band.

Min seeingGeom HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Min seeingGeom (seeingFwhmGeom) for Yr 1 y band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 all bands.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 u band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 u band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 g band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 g band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 r band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 r band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 i band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 i band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 z band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 z band.

seeingGeom Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 y band

Histogram of seeingFwhmGeom (seeingGeom) for Yr 1 y band.

Group: Seeinggeom; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 all bands 1.69 1.77 0.42 0 414 33387 0.75 4.24
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 all bands 0.84 0.87 0.11 0 473 33387 0.68 2.19
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 all bands 0.58 0.60 0.09 0 831 33387 0.46 2.04
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 u band 1.28 1.35 0.36 0 596 29733 0.63 3.71
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 u band 0.97 0.99 0.17 0 288 29733 0.60 2.80
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 u band 0.75 0.78 0.14 0 269 29733 0.52 2.80
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 g band 1.32 1.37 0.34 0 428 33171 0.59 3.99
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 g band 0.92 0.95 0.18 0 419 33171 0.56 2.34
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 g band 0.67 0.71 0.14 0 508 33171 0.47 2.34
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 r band 1.33 1.38 0.36 0 460 33250 0.64 4.24
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 r band 0.83 0.87 0.15 0 454 33250 0.60 2.57
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 r band 0.62 0.65 0.13 0 649 33250 0.46 2.57
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 i band 1.32 1.38 0.35 0 570 33279 0.58 3.31
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 i band 0.82 0.85 0.14 0 538 33279 0.57 2.15
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 i band 0.61 0.64 0.11 0 777 33279 0.47 2.12
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 z band 1.24 1.31 0.36 0 750 33233 0.62 4.01
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 z band 0.83 0.86 0.13 0 501 33233 0.55 3.09
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 z band 0.63 0.66 0.11 0 562 33233 0.47 2.09
Max seeingGeom Yr 1 y band 1.23 1.29 0.31 0 602 29955 0.59 3.31
Median seeingGeom Yr 1 y band 0.82 0.84 0.09 0 388 29955 0.59 2.44
Min seeingGeom Yr 1 y band 0.64 0.65 0.08 0 418 29955 0.46 1.95
Group: Seeinggeom; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile seeingGeom 75th%ile seeingGeom Count seeingGeom Max seeingGeom Mean seeingGeom Median seeingGeom Min seeingGeom N(+3Sigma) seeingGeom N(-3Sigma) seeingGeom Rms seeingGeom
Yr 1 all bands 0.72 1.01 240342 4.24 0.90 0.84 0.46 3901 0 0.26
Yr 1 g band 0.78 1.12 26063 3.99 0.99 0.93 0.47 370 0 0.30
Yr 1 i band 0.70 0.99 54648 3.31 0.88 0.81 0.47 939 0 0.26
Yr 1 r band 0.71 1.01 50291 4.24 0.89 0.83 0.46 806 0 0.26
Yr 1 u band 0.81 1.14 16643 3.71 1.01 0.96 0.52 218 0 0.29
Yr 1 y band 0.73 0.96 47577 3.31 0.87 0.82 0.46 628 0 0.21
Yr 1 z band 0.72 0.98 45120 4.01 0.88 0.83 0.47 695 0 0.24

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: All sky

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky all bands.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky u band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky g band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky r band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky i band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky z band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max skyBrightness for All sky y band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky all bands.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky u band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky g band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky r band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky i band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky z band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median skyBrightness for All sky y band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky all bands.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky u band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky g band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky r band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky i band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky z band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min skyBrightness for All sky y band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky all bands.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky u band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky g band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky r band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky i band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky z band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of skyBrightness for All sky y band.

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max skyBrightness All sky all bands 22.68 22.62 0.26 768 0 33574 17.94 22.81
Median skyBrightness All sky all bands 19.78 19.79 0.25 132 364 33574 17.90 21.88
Min skyBrightness All sky all bands 17.01 17.11 0.45 64 206 33574 15.25 21.88
Max skyBrightness All sky u band 22.69 22.68 0.10 213 0 31085 19.08 22.81
Median skyBrightness All sky u band 22.63 22.63 0.11 123 0 31085 19.08 22.77
Min skyBrightness All sky u band 22.14 22.12 0.39 532 0 31085 18.94 22.71
Max skyBrightness All sky g band 22.13 22.13 0.15 20 0 33477 18.25 22.37
Median skyBrightness All sky g band 22.00 21.96 0.31 689 0 33477 18.25 22.29
Min skyBrightness All sky g band 19.64 19.59 0.96 0 0 33477 16.83 22.10
Max skyBrightness All sky r band 21.18 21.18 0.14 266 0 33527 18.22 21.39
Median skyBrightness All sky r band 21.05 21.04 0.14 176 0 33527 18.22 21.32
Min skyBrightness All sky r band 18.71 18.71 0.54 192 258 33527 16.50 21.11
Max skyBrightness All sky i band 20.34 20.30 0.15 530 0 33544 18.01 20.48
Median skyBrightness All sky i band 19.99 19.95 0.18 488 0 33544 18.01 20.33
Min skyBrightness All sky i band 18.02 18.08 0.44 31 138 33544 16.57 20.22
Max skyBrightness All sky z band 19.42 19.36 0.15 614 0 33505 17.97 19.53
Median skyBrightness All sky z band 19.03 19.00 0.13 471 2 33505 17.90 19.41
Min skyBrightness All sky z band 17.54 17.51 0.58 0 3 33505 16.38 19.31
Max skyBrightness All sky y band 18.54 18.48 0.16 727 0 31150 16.84 18.62
Median skyBrightness All sky y band 18.27 18.23 0.14 513 0 31150 16.84 18.46
Min skyBrightness All sky y band 17.16 17.20 0.40 114 1 31150 15.25 18.40
Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile skyBrightness 75th%ile skyBrightness Count skyBrightness Max skyBrightness Mean skyBrightness Median skyBrightness Min skyBrightness N(+3Sigma) skyBrightness N(-3Sigma) skyBrightness Rms skyBrightness
All sky all bands 18.77 21.04 2131985 22.81 19.91 19.79 15.25 0 7 1.37
All sky g band 21.75 22.11 206059 22.37 21.69 21.98 16.83 0 6196 0.80
All sky i band 19.46 20.24 497087 20.48 19.80 19.99 16.57 0 6036 0.55
All sky r band 20.68 21.16 485541 21.39 20.79 21.03 16.50 0 9603 0.59
All sky u band 22.56 22.68 121837 22.81 22.60 22.63 18.94 0 2772 0.15
All sky y band 18.10 18.39 387209 18.62 18.22 18.26 15.25 0 5915 0.25
All sky z band 18.77 19.27 434252 19.53 18.96 19.04 16.38 0 7708 0.41

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: WFD

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD all bands.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD u band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD g band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD r band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD i band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD z band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max skyBrightness for WFD y band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD all bands.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD u band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD g band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD r band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD i band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD z band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median skyBrightness for WFD y band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD all bands.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD u band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD g band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD r band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD i band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD z band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min skyBrightness for WFD y band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD all bands.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD u band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD g band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD r band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD i band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD z band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of skyBrightness for WFD y band.

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max skyBrightness WFD all bands 22.70 22.70 0.06 0 0 21961 22.54 22.81
Median skyBrightness WFD all bands 19.75 19.76 0.18 3 11 21961 19.19 20.35
Min skyBrightness WFD all bands 16.94 16.96 0.30 111 11 21961 15.25 17.96
Max skyBrightness WFD u band 22.70 22.70 0.06 0 0 21961 22.54 22.81
Median skyBrightness WFD u band 22.65 22.65 0.05 1 0 21961 22.49 22.76
Min skyBrightness WFD u band 22.10 22.07 0.40 462 0 21961 18.94 22.64
Max skyBrightness WFD g band 22.17 22.16 0.11 0 0 21961 21.90 22.37
Median skyBrightness WFD g band 22.04 22.03 0.14 202 0 21961 19.82 22.29
Min skyBrightness WFD g band 19.63 19.52 0.84 9 0 21961 16.97 21.70
Max skyBrightness WFD r band 21.23 21.22 0.09 0 0 21961 20.97 21.39
Median skyBrightness WFD r band 21.08 21.09 0.09 4 0 21961 20.75 21.32
Min skyBrightness WFD r band 18.66 18.64 0.45 114 0 21961 16.72 19.91
Max skyBrightness WFD i band 20.36 20.35 0.08 124 0 21961 20.05 20.48
Median skyBrightness WFD i band 20.02 20.01 0.10 131 1 21961 19.57 20.30
Min skyBrightness WFD i band 17.93 18.01 0.40 0 0 21961 16.84 19.07
Max skyBrightness WFD z band 19.44 19.42 0.08 185 0 21961 19.11 19.53
Median skyBrightness WFD z band 19.05 19.05 0.08 92 2 21961 18.73 19.30
Min skyBrightness WFD z band 17.32 17.40 0.54 0 0 21961 16.38 18.71
Max skyBrightness WFD y band 18.56 18.53 0.07 195 0 21961 18.19 18.62
Median skyBrightness WFD y band 18.28 18.26 0.08 299 0 21961 17.92 18.43
Min skyBrightness WFD y band 17.09 17.10 0.33 132 0 21961 15.25 17.96
Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile skyBrightness 75th%ile skyBrightness Count skyBrightness Max skyBrightness Mean skyBrightness Median skyBrightness Min skyBrightness N(+3Sigma) skyBrightness N(-3Sigma) skyBrightness Rms skyBrightness
WFD all bands 18.77 21.04 2131985 22.81 19.91 19.79 15.25 0 7 1.37
WFD g band 21.75 22.11 206059 22.37 21.69 21.98 16.83 0 6196 0.80
WFD i band 19.46 20.24 497087 20.48 19.80 19.99 16.57 0 6036 0.55
WFD r band 20.68 21.16 485541 21.39 20.79 21.03 16.50 0 9603 0.59
WFD u band 22.56 22.68 121837 22.81 22.60 22.63 18.94 0 2772 0.15
WFD y band 18.10 18.39 387209 18.62 18.22 18.26 15.25 0 5915 0.25
WFD z band 18.77 19.27 434252 19.53 18.96 19.04 16.38 0 7708 0.41

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: Yr 1

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 all bands.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 u band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 g band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 r band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 i band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 z band.

Max skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Max skyBrightness for Yr 1 y band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 all bands.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 u band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 g band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 r band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 i band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 z band.

Median skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Median skyBrightness for Yr 1 y band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 all bands.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 u band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 u band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 g band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 g band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 r band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 r band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 i band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 i band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 z band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 z band.

Min skyBrightness HealpixSlicer Yr 1 y band

Map of Min skyBrightness for Yr 1 y band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 all bands

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 all bands.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 u band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 u band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 g band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 g band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 r band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 r band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 i band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 i band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 z band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 z band.

skyBrightness Histogram OneDSlicer Yr 1 y band

Histogram of skyBrightness for Yr 1 y band.

Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 all bands 22.66 22.57 0.35 252 0 33387 17.01 22.81
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 all bands 19.84 19.83 0.42 132 130 33387 17.01 22.60
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 all bands 17.79 17.75 0.50 10 118 33387 16.16 22.60
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 u band 22.67 22.67 0.08 103 0 29733 19.08 22.81
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 u band 22.63 22.62 0.11 176 0 29733 19.08 22.80
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 u band 22.52 22.44 0.29 102 0 29733 19.08 22.79
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 g band 22.10 22.09 0.17 128 0 33171 18.25 22.36
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 g band 21.98 21.86 0.53 891 0 33171 18.08 22.35
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 g band 20.97 20.72 1.18 0 0 33171 17.74 22.32
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 r band 21.17 21.16 0.15 169 0 33250 18.11 21.39
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 r band 21.05 20.99 0.30 731 0 33250 18.07 21.36
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 r band 19.64 19.61 0.75 0 0 33250 17.59 21.31
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 i band 20.32 20.27 0.17 486 0 33279 18.31 20.47
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 i band 20.00 19.95 0.29 570 0 33279 18.25 20.45
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 i band 18.89 18.80 0.54 0 0 33279 17.35 20.38
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 z band 19.39 19.33 0.16 579 0 33233 17.88 19.51
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 z band 19.10 19.06 0.21 506 0 33233 16.86 19.50
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 z band 18.52 18.40 0.50 728 0 33233 16.42 19.50
Max skyBrightness Yr 1 y band 18.49 18.45 0.13 646 0 29955 17.01 18.60
Median skyBrightness Yr 1 y band 18.28 18.25 0.14 292 0 29955 16.74 18.55
Min skyBrightness Yr 1 y band 17.81 17.73 0.36 103 0 29955 16.16 18.51
Group: Skybrightness; Subgroup: Yr 1; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile skyBrightness 75th%ile skyBrightness Count skyBrightness Max skyBrightness Mean skyBrightness Median skyBrightness Min skyBrightness N(+3Sigma) skyBrightness N(-3Sigma) skyBrightness Rms skyBrightness
Yr 1 all bands 18.75 21.07 240342 22.81 19.94 19.82 16.16 0 0 1.40
Yr 1 g band 21.61 22.08 26063 22.36 21.60 21.96 17.74 0 789 0.88
Yr 1 i band 19.50 20.25 54648 20.47 19.82 20.02 17.35 0 688 0.56
Yr 1 r band 20.63 21.16 50291 21.39 20.77 21.04 17.59 0 1008 0.63
Yr 1 u band 22.56 22.68 16643 22.81 22.60 22.62 19.08 0 362 0.16
Yr 1 y band 18.10 18.40 47577 18.60 18.22 18.27 16.16 0 777 0.25
Yr 1 z band 18.85 19.29 45120 19.51 19.02 19.10 16.42 0 788 0.38

Group: Slew; Subgroup: Slew Basics

Slew Distance Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew distances (angle) for all visits.

Slew Time Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew times (seconds) for all visits.

Zoom Slew Distance Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew distances (angle) for all visits.

Zoom Slew Time Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew times (seconds) for all visits (zoom).

Group: Slew; Subgroup: Slew Basics; Slicer: UniSlicer
Max slewTime Mean slewTime Median slewTime Min slewTime Slew Count
All visits 156.00 7.76 4.76 2.00 2131985

Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: All sky

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Max solarElong for All sky all bands.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky u band.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky g band.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky r band.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky i band.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky z band.

Max solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Max solarElong for All sky y band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Median solarElong for All sky all bands.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky u band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky g band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky r band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky i band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky z band.

Median solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Median solarElong for All sky y band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Map of Min solarElong for All sky all bands.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky u band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky g band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky r band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky i band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky z band.

Min solarElong HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Map of Min solarElong for All sky y band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky all bands

Histogram of solarElong for All sky all bands.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky u band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky u band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky g band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky g band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky r band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky r band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky i band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky i band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky z band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky z band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer All sky y band

Histogram of solarElong for All sky y band.

Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max solarElong All sky all bands 158.40 153.61 20.89 4 0 33574 86.99 179.97
Median solarElong All sky all bands 131.87 129.12 13.69 568 0 33574 68.46 168.73
Min solarElong All sky all bands 42.07 51.13 16.15 0 227 33574 34.68 167.92
Max solarElong All sky u band 153.27 149.12 21.76 170 0 31085 54.02 179.91
Median solarElong All sky u band 134.88 130.74 17.47 268 0 31085 54.02 174.33
Min solarElong All sky u band 77.29 80.84 18.81 0 775 31085 42.28 174.33
Max solarElong All sky g band 157.73 152.77 20.83 15 0 33477 79.13 179.86
Median solarElong All sky g band 132.34 129.20 17.57 104 0 33477 54.35 170.16
Min solarElong All sky g band 73.35 74.47 15.26 0 352 33477 38.35 169.44
Max solarElong All sky r band 158.09 153.28 20.89 5 0 33527 81.01 179.89
Median solarElong All sky r band 132.80 130.15 14.12 535 0 33527 44.80 169.44
Min solarElong All sky r band 60.50 60.41 17.84 0 207 33527 37.02 169.44
Max solarElong All sky i band 158.07 153.23 20.94 6 0 33544 86.43 179.91
Median solarElong All sky i band 130.54 127.88 12.89 552 1 33544 40.94 166.87
Min solarElong All sky i band 43.22 53.66 17.69 0 206 33544 34.92 166.23
Max solarElong All sky z band 157.97 153.06 20.93 13 0 33505 59.37 179.94
Median solarElong All sky z band 128.44 126.57 14.19 308 5 33505 43.03 170.15
Min solarElong All sky z band 44.98 55.43 18.04 0 242 33505 34.68 169.97
Max solarElong All sky y band 153.86 149.52 22.26 205 0 31150 57.90 179.97
Median solarElong All sky y band 131.44 128.08 15.05 405 58 31150 57.90 178.22
Min solarElong All sky y band 66.55 68.72 15.39 0 475 31150 36.26 178.19
Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile solarElong 75th%ile solarElong Count solarElong Max solarElong Mean solarElong Median solarElong Min solarElong N(+3Sigma) solarElong N(-3Sigma) solarElong Rms solarElong
All sky all bands 103.23 144.13 2131985 179.97 122.21 125.03 34.68 0 2 29.15
All sky g band 102.86 145.25 206059 179.86 123.29 125.33 38.35 0 11 27.94
All sky i band 102.77 143.47 497087 179.91 120.87 124.20 34.92 0 0 30.72
All sky r band 104.55 144.60 485541 179.89 122.87 126.11 37.02 0 0 29.28
All sky u band 106.25 146.38 121837 179.91 125.94 128.74 42.28 0 3 26.19
All sky y band 104.78 144.20 387209 179.97 124.07 126.01 36.26 0 117 26.12
All sky z band 100.16 142.98 434252 179.94 119.79 122.73 34.68 0 0 30.76

Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: WFD

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Max solarElong for WFD all bands.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD u band.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD g band.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD r band.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD i band.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD z band.

Max solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Max solarElong for WFD y band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Median solarElong for WFD all bands.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD u band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD g band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD r band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD i band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD z band.

Median solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Median solarElong for WFD y band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Map of Min solarElong for WFD all bands.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD u band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD g band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD r band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD i band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD z band.

Min solarElong HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Map of Min solarElong for WFD y band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD all bands

Histogram of solarElong for WFD all bands.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD u band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD u band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD g band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD g band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD r band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD r band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD i band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD i band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD z band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD z band.

solarElong Histogram OneDSlicer WFD y band

Histogram of solarElong for WFD y band.

Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Max solarElong WFD all bands 156.54 152.70 20.43 0 0 21961 92.04 179.97
Median solarElong WFD all bands 131.95 129.18 12.54 316 0 21961 81.93 150.80
Min solarElong WFD all bands 40.78 47.12 12.51 0 122 21961 34.68 88.51
Max solarElong WFD u band 155.86 151.87 20.23 1 0 21961 90.94 179.91
Median solarElong WFD u band 135.59 131.69 15.59 185 0 21961 74.95 161.01
Min solarElong WFD u band 74.33 74.86 10.88 0 31 21961 42.28 118.92
Max solarElong WFD g band 156.01 152.02 20.29 3 0 21961 90.18 179.86
Median solarElong WFD g band 132.30 129.07 15.79 25 0 21961 54.35 165.43
Min solarElong WFD g band 70.11 70.08 11.85 0 42 21961 38.35 114.42
Max solarElong WFD r band 156.34 152.46 20.38 0 0 21961 91.91 179.89
Median solarElong WFD r band 132.72 129.94 12.69 323 0 21961 80.34 151.42
Min solarElong WFD r band 57.41 56.49 14.06 0 0 21961 37.02 95.82
Max solarElong WFD i band 156.28 152.46 20.39 0 0 21961 91.91 179.91
Median solarElong WFD i band 130.72 128.18 11.93 320 0 21961 82.03 152.06
Min solarElong WFD i band 41.88 49.36 14.09 0 1 21961 35.09 93.14
Max solarElong WFD z band 156.26 152.40 20.38 0 0 21961 91.73 179.94
Median solarElong WFD z band 129.03 127.17 12.38 256 0 21961 80.89 155.10
Min solarElong WFD z band 42.91 50.34 13.58 0 4 21961 34.68 95.83
Max solarElong WFD y band 156.15 152.27 20.34 0 0 21961 91.32 179.97
Median solarElong WFD y band 132.80 129.89 12.89 298 0 21961 81.11 155.07
Min solarElong WFD y band 63.88 64.30 10.16 0 10 21961 36.26 102.09
Group: Solarelong; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
25th%ile solarElong 75th%ile solarElong Count solarElong Max solarElong Mean solarElong Median solarElong Min solarElong N(+3Sigma) solarElong N(-3Sigma) solarElong Rms solarElong
WFD all bands 103.23 144.13 2131985 179.97 122.21 125.03 34.68 0 2 29.15
WFD g band 102.86 145.25 206059 179.86 123.29 125.33 38.35 0 11 27.94
WFD i band 102.77 143.47 497087 179.91 120.87 124.20 34.92 0 0 30.72
WFD r band 104.55 144.60 485541 179.89 122.87 126.11 37.02 0 0 29.28
WFD u band 106.25 146.38 121837 179.91 125.94 128.74 42.28 0 3 26.19
WFD y band 104.78 144.20 387209 179.97 124.07 126.01 36.26 0 117 26.12
WFD z band 100.16 142.98 434252 179.94 119.79 122.73 34.68 0 0 30.76

Group: T_eff Maps; Subgroup: All sky

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky all bands

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky all bands

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky u band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky u band

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky g band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky g band

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky r band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky r band

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky i band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky i band

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky z band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky z band

Normalized Teff HealpixSlicer All sky y band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for All sky y band

Group: T_eff Maps; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Normalized Teff All sky all bands 0.66 0.64 0.17 8 3 33574 0.07 1.36
Normalized Teff All sky u band 0.41 0.41 0.13 33 160 31085 0.0165 1.23
Normalized Teff All sky g band 0.69 0.67 0.22 0 5 33477 0.0216 1.58
Normalized Teff All sky r band 0.79 0.77 0.23 7 3 33527 0.03 1.83
Normalized Teff All sky i band 0.68 0.66 0.20 8 0 33544 0.05 1.15
Normalized Teff All sky z band 0.67 0.65 0.18 18 1 33505 0.04 1.18
Normalized Teff All sky y band 0.54 0.52 0.13 340 5 31150 0.0290 0.99

Group: T_eff Maps; Subgroup: WFD

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD all bands

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD all bands

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD u band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD u band

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD g band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD g band

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD r band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD r band

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD i band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD i band

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD z band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD z band

Normalized Teff HealpixSubsetSlicer WFD y band

Normalized effective time of the survey, for WFD y band

Group: T_eff Maps; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: HealpixSubsetSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Median Mean Rms N(-3Sigma) N(+3Sigma) Count Min Max
Normalized Teff WFD all bands 0.70 0.70 0.13 0 0 21961 0.32 1.01
Normalized Teff WFD u band 0.42 0.43 0.09 0 12 21961 0.17 0.73
Normalized Teff WFD g band 0.74 0.75 0.17 0 6 21961 0.28 1.30
Normalized Teff WFD r band 0.84 0.85 0.17 0 0 21961 0.38 1.33
Normalized Teff WFD i band 0.73 0.73 0.14 0 0 21961 0.34 1.13
Normalized Teff WFD z band 0.71 0.71 0.13 2 4 21961 0.33 1.12
Normalized Teff WFD y band 0.56 0.55 0.10 18 0 21961 0.23 0.82

Group: T_eff Summary; Subgroup: All sky

Group: T_eff Summary; Subgroup: All sky; Slicer: UniSlicer
Normalized Teff Total Teff
All sky all bands 0.68 43636733.75

Group: T_eff Summary; Subgroup: WFD

Group: T_eff Summary; Subgroup: WFD; Slicer: UniSlicer
Normalized Teff Total Teff
WFD all bands 0.68 43636733.75