Group: Basic Maps; Subgroup: NULL

CoaddM5 HealpixSlicer

CoaddM5 calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis.

Count observationStartMJD HealpixSlicer

Count observationStartMJD calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis.

Group: Basic Maps; Subgroup: NULL; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Median 27.41 824.00
Mean 27.20 698.20
Rms 0.52 827.18
N(-3Sigma) 451 0
N(+3Sigma) 65 104
Count 33571 33571
Min 21.58 1.00
Max 29.38 31640.00
10th%ile 26.51 189.00
top18k 27.30 793.00

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Count Stats

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Count Stats; Slicer: UniSlicer
Counts_DD:COSMOS Counts_DD:ECDFS Counts_DD:EDFS_a Counts_DD:EDFS_b Counts_DD:ELAISS1 Counts_DD:XMM_LSS Counts_blob_long, gr, a Counts_blob_long, gr, b Counts_blob_long, iz, a Counts_blob_long, iz, b Counts_blob_long, ri, a Counts_blob_long, ri, b Counts_greedy Counts_long Counts_pair_15, iz, a Counts_pair_15, iz, b Counts_pair_15, ri, a Counts_pair_15, ri, b Counts_pair_15, yy, a Counts_pair_15, yy, b Counts_pair_15, zy, a Counts_pair_15, zy, b Counts_pair_33, gr, a Counts_pair_33, gr, b Counts_pair_33, iz, a Counts_pair_33, iz, b Counts_pair_33, ri, a Counts_pair_33, ri, b Counts_pair_33, ug, a Counts_pair_33, ug, b Counts_pair_33, ur, a Counts_pair_33, ur, b Counts_pair_33, yy, a Counts_pair_33, yy, b Counts_pair_33, zy, a Counts_pair_33, zy, b Counts_twilight_near_sun, 0 Counts_twilight_near_sun, 1 Counts_twilight_near_sun, 2 Counts_twilight_near_sun, 3
33262 20421 10220 10204 20255 19855 13041 10765 13016 11133 4150 3503 81539 22854 54581 48354 29000 25166 12193 11307 18823 17186 152254 125557 190636 160214 163524 137255 27424 24670 95363 85865 118215 106840 111476 94958 16431 16431 15939 13618

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: NULL

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az HealpixSlicer

Nvisits as function of Alt/Az calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis.

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: NULL; Slicer: UniSlicer
Length of Survey (days) Mean t_eff NChanges filter, observationStartMJD Number of Exposures OpenShutterFraction
3652.43 0.70 35968.00 2147498.00 0.72

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Percent stats

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Percent stats; Slicer: UniSlicer
Percents_DD:COSMOS Percents_DD:ECDFS Percents_DD:EDFS_a Percents_DD:EDFS_b Percents_DD:ELAISS1 Percents_DD:XMM_LSS Percents_blob_long, gr, a Percents_blob_long, gr, b Percents_blob_long, iz, a Percents_blob_long, iz, b Percents_blob_long, ri, a Percents_blob_long, ri, b Percents_greedy Percents_long Percents_pair_15, iz, a Percents_pair_15, iz, b Percents_pair_15, ri, a Percents_pair_15, ri, b Percents_pair_15, yy, a Percents_pair_15, yy, b Percents_pair_15, zy, a Percents_pair_15, zy, b Percents_pair_33, gr, a Percents_pair_33, gr, b Percents_pair_33, iz, a Percents_pair_33, iz, b Percents_pair_33, ri, a Percents_pair_33, ri, b Percents_pair_33, ug, a Percents_pair_33, ug, b Percents_pair_33, ur, a Percents_pair_33, ur, b Percents_pair_33, yy, a Percents_pair_33, yy, b Percents_pair_33, zy, a Percents_pair_33, zy, b Percents_twilight_near_sun, 0 Percents_twilight_near_sun, 1 Percents_twilight_near_sun, 2 Percents_twilight_near_sun, 3
1.55 0.95 0.48 0.48 0.94 0.92 0.61 0.50 0.61 0.52 0.19 0.16 3.80 1.06 2.54 2.25 1.35 1.17 0.57 0.53 0.88 0.80 7.09 5.85 8.88 7.46 7.61 6.39 1.28 1.15 4.44 4.00 5.50 4.98 5.19 4.42 0.77 0.77 0.74 0.63

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Saturation

Group: Basic Stats; Subgroup: Saturation; Slicer: UniSlicer

Group: Pointing Efficency; Subgroup: NULL

Filter Changes OneDSlicer

Filter Changes calculated on a OneDSlicer basis.

OpenShutterFraction OneDSlicer

Open shutter time (visitExposureTime total) divided by total visit time (visitTime) + slewtime (slewTime).

Group: Pointing Efficency; Subgroup: NULL; Slicer: OneDSlicer
Median 12.00 0.72
Mean 12.08 0.72
Rms 4.96 0.0126
N(-3Sigma) 0 19
N(+3Sigma) 4 3
Count 2808 2808
Min 0.0000 0.66
Max 32.00 0.77

Group: Roll Check; Subgroup: NULL

Year3.5Count HealpixSlicer night > 1278.375000 and night < 1643.625000

Year3.5Count calculated on a HealpixSlicer basis using a subset of data selected via night > 1278.375000 and night < 1643.625000.

Group: Roll Check; Subgroup: NULL; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Median 52.00
Mean 65.40
Rms 85.19
N(-3Sigma) 0
N(+3Sigma) 102
Count 33334
Min 1.00
Max 2474.00
10th%ile 16.00
top18k 32.00

Group: SRD; Subgroup: FO metrics

fO HealpixSlicer

The FO metric evaluates the overall efficiency of observing. foNv: out of 18000.00 sq degrees, the area receives at least X and a median of Y visits (out of 825, if compared to benchmark). fOArea: this many sq deg (out of 18000.00 sq deg if compared to benchmark) receives at least 825 visits.

Group: SRD; Subgroup: FO metrics; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
fOArea 8844.48
fOArea/benchmark 0.49
fOArea_750 18983.14
fONv MedianNvis 824.00
fONv MinNvis 773.00
fONv/benchmark MedianNvis 1.00
fONv/benchmark MinNvis 0.94

Group: Science; Subgroup: Astrometry

Parallax fiveSigmaDepth, filter, seeingFwhmGeom, ra_pi_amp, dec_pi_amp HealpixSlicer

Parallax precision of an $r=20$ flat SED star

properMotion HealpixSlicer

Proper motion precision of an $r=20$ flat SED star

Group: Science; Subgroup: Astrometry; Slicer: HealpixSlicer
Metric Name Info Label 90th%ile best18k
Parallax fiveSigmaDepth, filter, seeingFwhmGeom, ra_pi_amp, dec_pi_amp 1.59 0.75
properMotion 0.35 0.18

Group: Slew; Subgroup: Slew Basics

Slew Distance Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew distances (angle) for all visits.

Slew Time Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew times (seconds) for all visits.

Zoom Slew Distance Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew distances (angle) for all visits.

Zoom Slew Time Histogram OneDSlicer All visits

Histogram of slew times (seconds) for all visits (zoom).

Group: Slew; Subgroup: Slew Basics; Slicer: UniSlicer
Max slewTime Mean slewTime Median slewTime Min slewTime Slew Count
All visits 156.00 7.49 4.77 2.00 2147498