Group: MBA; Subgroup: Activity

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer MBA

Chances of detecting activity lasting 190 days calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer MBA

Chances of detecting activity lasting 190 days calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer MBA

ColorAsteroid calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
MBA 0.44 0.44 0.11 0.0002 0.0106

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights loss detection MBA pairs in 3

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights loss detection MBA pairs in 3 .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights loss detection MBA pairs in 3

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights loss detection MBA pairs in 3 .

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
MBA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.84 0.58
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 1.00 1.00
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.95 0.81
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.90 0.68
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.85 0.59
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.85 0.59
MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.85 0.59
MBA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.89 0.65
MBA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.88 0.65
MBA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.51 0.20
MBA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.79 0.47
MBA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.96 0.84
MBA High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
MBA Single detection detection loss 0.97 0.90
MBA Single pair detection loss 0.97 0.90

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer nights detection pairs 30 in 3, SNR=0 nights 15 detection pairs in 3, trailing nights 15 pairs in 3, nights 15 detection pairs in 3, nights detection 30 in 3 triplets, trailing nights pairs 30 in 3, 60 nights detection detections in 6, 4 nights detection 20 pairs in, nights 15 detection pairs SNR=5 in 3, detection Single, SNR=3 nights 15 detection pairs in 3, nights 15 detection SNR=4 pairs in 3, detection Single pair, night 1 detection in quad MBA loss

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Discovery

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer MBA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer MBA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: MBA; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer MBA

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: MBA; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer MBA

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Activity

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer NEO

ColorAsteroid calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
NEO 0.32 0.32 0.15 0.0058 0.0166

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights in detection 3 pairs NEO loss

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights in detection 3 pairs NEO loss .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights in detection 3 pairs NEO loss

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights in detection 3 pairs NEO loss .

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Nobj <= 22.0 Nobj <= 25.0 Value At H=22.0
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss -- -- 0.58
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 15777.17 56879.47 0.35
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss -- -- 0.95
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 25522.17 819404.38 0.95
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss -- -- 0.67
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 18106.80 89144.79 0.48
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss -- -- 0.62
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 16974.48 72039.35 0.42
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss -- -- 0.59
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 16041.29 61121.58 0.38
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss -- -- 0.59
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 15977.96 59546.71 0.38
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss -- -- 0.59
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 16118.17 66137.01 0.39
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss -- -- 0.63
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 17103.00 69367.05 0.42
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss -- -- 0.63
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 17230.51 77273.34 0.44
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss -- -- 0.26
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 7364.25 15344.26 0.10
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss -- -- 0.51
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 14047.41 44414.69 0.30
CumulativeCompleteness NEO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss -- -- 0.73
DifferentialCompleteness NEO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 19711.02 106837.29 0.55
CumulativeCompleteness NEO High velocity pair detection loss -- -- 0.28
DifferentialCompleteness NEO High velocity pair detection loss 7508.98 69216.39 0.24
CumulativeCompleteness NEO Single detection detection loss -- -- 0.78
DifferentialCompleteness NEO Single detection detection loss 20982.15 132668.02 0.60
CumulativeCompleteness NEO Single pair detection loss -- -- 0.78
DifferentialCompleteness NEO Single pair detection loss 21025.30 134068.52 0.61

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer nights in 3 pairs trailing 30, nights in triplets detection 3 30, nights in detection 15 3 pairs SNR=0, nights in detection pairs 4 20, Single detection, nights SNR=5 in detection 15 3 pairs, 6 60 nights detections in detection, nights in 15 3 pairs trailing, night in detection 1 quad, nights in detection 15 3 pairs SNR=4, Single detection pair, nights in detection 15 3 pairs SNR=3, nights in detection 15 3 pairs, nights in detection 3 pairs 30 NEO loss

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Discovery

HighVelocityNights MoObjSlicer NEO High velocity pair detection loss

HighVelocityNights calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer NEO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: N Chances

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer NEO

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer NEO

Number of chances for discovery of objects

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer NEO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: NEO; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer NEO

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: NEO; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer NEO

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Activity

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer OCC_r20

Chances of detecting activity covering 45 deg calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer OCC_r20

Chances of detecting activity covering 45 deg calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer OCC_r20

LightcurveColorOuter calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
OCC_r20 0.38 0.32 0.23 0.14 0.06 0.0022

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 3 nights detection OCC_r20 loss in pairs

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 3 nights detection OCC_r20 loss in pairs .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 3 nights detection OCC_r20 loss in pairs

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 3 nights detection OCC_r20 loss in pairs .

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
OCC_r20 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.39 0.14
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.85 0.85
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.48 0.20
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.42 0.16
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.37 0.13
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.40 0.14
OCC_r20 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.40 0.14
OCC_r20 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.23 0.06
OCC_r20 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.33 0.11
OCC_r20 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.47 0.19
OCC_r20 High velocity pair detection loss 0.0002 0.0002
OCC_r20 Single detection detection loss 0.50 0.21
OCC_r20 Single pair detection loss 0.50 0.21

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 3 nights trailing 15 in pairs, 3 nights detection 15 in pairs SNR=0, 3 nights detection 15 in pairs, 3 nights trailing 30 in pairs, 3 SNR=4 nights detection 15 in pairs, detection Single pair, 3 nights detection 30 in pairs, detection Single, detections 60 nights detection in 6, 3 nights detection 15 SNR=5 in pairs, 3 nights detection SNR=3 15 in pairs, 1 quad detection night in, nights detection 20 in pairs 4, 3 nights detection 30 triplets in OCC_r20 loss

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Discovery

HighVelocityNights MoObjSlicer OCC_r20 High velocity pair detection loss

HighVelocityNights calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer OCC_r20 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer OCC_r20 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer OCC_r20

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r20; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer OCC_r20

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Activity

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer OCC_r5

LightcurveColorOuter calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
OCC_r5 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.66 0.16

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 detection OCC_r5 3 pairs in nights loss

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 detection OCC_r5 3 pairs in nights loss .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 detection OCC_r5 3 pairs in nights loss

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 detection OCC_r5 3 pairs in nights loss .

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
OCC_r5 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.93 0.93
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.91 0.89
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.89 0.86
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.90 0.88
OCC_r5 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.71 0.63
OCC_r5 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.87 0.83
OCC_r5 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.92 0.91
OCC_r5 High velocity pair detection loss 0.04 0.04
OCC_r5 Single detection detection loss 0.93 0.92
OCC_r5 Single pair detection loss 0.93 0.92

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer OCC_r5

Time of discovery of objects

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer OCC_r5

Time of discovery of objects

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer detection Single, detection Single pair, detection 15 3 pairs in nights, 30 detection triplets 3 in nights, detection 15 3 SNR=0 pairs in nights, detection 15 3 pairs in SNR=5 nights, detection 20 pairs 4 in nights, 30 detection 3 pairs in nights, trailing 15 3 pairs in nights, 30 trailing 3 pairs in nights, detection night 1 in quad, detection SNR=3 15 3 pairs in nights, detection SNR=4 15 3 pairs in nights, detection detections 6 in nights 60 OCC_r5 loss

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Discovery

HighVelocityNights MoObjSlicer OCC_r5 High velocity pair detection loss

HighVelocityNights calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer OCC_r5 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer OCC_r5 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer OCC_r5

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: OCC_r5; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer OCC_r5

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Activity

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer PHA

ColorAsteroid calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
PHA 0.32 0.32 0.16 0.0050 0.0146

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights loss detection in PHA 3 pairs

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights loss detection in PHA 3 pairs .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 nights loss detection in PHA 3 pairs

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 nights loss detection in PHA 3 pairs .

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
Metric Name Info Label Nobj <= 22.0 Value At H=22.0
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss -- 0.59
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 2174.37 0.36
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss -- 0.96
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 3497.80 0.96
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss -- 0.68
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 2501.03 0.49
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss -- 0.64
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 2348.62 0.44
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss -- 0.60
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 2224.25 0.40
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss -- 0.60
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 2216.30 0.40
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss -- 0.61
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 2233.46 0.40
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss -- 0.65
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 2382.28 0.44
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss -- 0.65
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 2401.14 0.45
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss -- 0.27
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 1011.21 0.11
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss -- 0.52
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 1936.40 0.32
CumulativeCompleteness PHA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss -- 0.75
DifferentialCompleteness PHA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 2750.29 0.57
CumulativeCompleteness PHA High velocity pair detection loss -- 0.35
DifferentialCompleteness PHA High velocity pair detection loss 1282.59 0.31
CumulativeCompleteness PHA Single detection detection loss -- 0.80
DifferentialCompleteness PHA Single detection detection loss 2925.63 0.63
CumulativeCompleteness PHA Single pair detection loss -- 0.80
DifferentialCompleteness PHA Single pair detection loss 2928.58 0.64

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer PHA

Time of discovery of objects

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer PHA

Time of discovery of objects

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer nights detection in 3 SNR=3 15 pairs, nights detection in 3 SNR=4 15 pairs, nights detection in 3 30 triplets, nights detection in SNR=5 3 15 pairs, Single pair detection, nights detection in 3 15 pairs, nights detection in 20 4 pairs, night detection in quad 1, Single detection, nights detection in 3 30 pairs, nights trailing in 3 15 pairs, 6 60 nights detection in detections, nights trailing in 3 30 pairs, nights detection in 3 15 SNR=0 pairs loss PHA

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Discovery

HighVelocityNights MoObjSlicer PHA High velocity pair detection loss

HighVelocityNights calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer PHA 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer PHA 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: PHA; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer PHA

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: PHA; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer PHA

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Activity

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer TNO

Chances of detecting activity covering 85 deg calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer TNO

Chances of detecting activity covering 85 deg calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer TNO

LightcurveColorOuter calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 1 filters FractionPop 2 filters FractionPop 3 filters FractionPop 4 filters FractionPop 5 filters FractionPop 6 filters
TNO 0.67 0.67 0.63 0.60 0.42 0.0040

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 pairs TNO nights detection loss in 3

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 pairs TNO nights detection loss in 3 .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15, 30 pairs TNO nights detection loss in 3

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 15, 30 pairs TNO nights detection loss in 3 .

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
TNO 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.52 0.32
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.91 0.91
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.57 0.42
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.53 0.34
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.49 0.27
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.49 0.27
TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.49 0.27
TNO 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.52 0.31
TNO 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.52 0.31
TNO 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.32 0.12
TNO 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.45 0.21
TNO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.58 0.42
TNO High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
TNO Single detection detection loss 0.60 0.47
TNO Single pair detection loss 0.60 0.47

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 60 6 nights detection in detections, night 1 quad detection in, SNR=5 pairs nights detection 15 in 3, pairs SNR=0 nights detection 15 in 3, pairs nights detection 15 in 3, pairs nights in 15 trailing 3, pairs 4 20 nights detection in, pairs nights detection in 30 3, triplets nights detection in 30 3, pairs nights in trailing 30 3, pair detection Single, detection Single, pairs SNR=3 nights detection 15 in 3, pairs nights in detection 15 SNR=4 3 TNO loss

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Discovery

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer TNO 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer TNO 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: TNO; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer TNO

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: TNO; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer TNO

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Activity

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer Trojan

LightcurveInversionAsteroid calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
Trojan 0.54 0.54 0.0000 0.0000 0.0028

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 pairs Trojan in loss nights detection 3

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 pairs Trojan in loss nights detection 3 .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 pairs Trojan in loss nights detection 3

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 pairs Trojan in loss nights detection 3 .

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
Trojan 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.46 0.0066
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 1.00 1.00
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.64 0.05
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.52 0.0086
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.44 0.0016
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.44 0.0024
Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.44 0.0020
Trojan 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.48 0.0034
Trojan 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.48 0.0028
Trojan 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.23 0.0000
Trojan 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.38 0.0002
Trojan 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.64 0.03
Trojan High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
Trojan Single detection detection loss 0.71 0.10
Trojan Single pair detection loss 0.71 0.10

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer pairs in nights detection SNR=0 15 3, pairs in 30 nights detection 3, trailing pairs in nights 15 3, Single detection, pairs in SNR=4 nights detection 15 3, pairs SNR=5 in nights detection 15 3, pairs 20 in nights detection 4, in detection 1 quad night, in 30 nights detection 3 triplets, 6 detections 60 in nights detection, trailing pairs in 30 nights 3, pairs in SNR=3 nights detection 15 3, Single pair detection, pairs in nights detection 15 3 loss Trojan

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Discovery

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer Trojan

Discovery_2x4in20 calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer Trojan

Discovery_2x4in20 calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer Trojan 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer Trojan 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer Trojan

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Trojan; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer Trojan

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Activity

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Characterization Fraction

Fraction of population for colors or lightcurve inversion MoObjSlicer Vatira

ColorAsteroid calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Color/Inversion

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Color/Inversion; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
FractionPop 2 of g, r or i, z or y FractionPop 4 of grizy FractionPop 5 of grizy FractionPop 6 of ugrizy FractionPop Lightcurve Inversion
Vatira 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 in loss 3 pairs nights Vatira detection

CumulativeCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 in loss 3 pairs nights Vatira detection .

DifferentialCompleteness MoObjSlicer 30, 15 in loss 3 pairs nights Vatira detection

DifferentialCompleteness metric(s) calculated on a MoObjSlicer grid, for opsim runs too_10_1v3.4_10yrs, for info_label values of 30, 15 in loss 3 pairs nights Vatira detection .

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness; Slicer: MoObjSlicer
CumulativeCompleteness DifferentialCompleteness
Vatira 1 quad in 1 night detection loss 0.18 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=0 detection loss 0.23 0.23
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=3 detection loss 0.10 0.0001
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=4 detection loss 0.08 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights SNR=5 detection loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights trailing loss 0.07 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 30 nights detection loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 3 pairs in 30 nights trailing loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 3 triplets in 30 nights detection loss 0.09 0.0000
Vatira 4 pairs in 20 nights detection loss 0.04 0.0000
Vatira 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss 0.16 0.0000
Vatira High velocity pair detection loss 0.0000 0.0000
Vatira Single detection detection loss 0.22 0.0014
Vatira Single pair detection loss 0.22 0.0014

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness Over Time

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness all criteria

CumulativeCompleteness MoObjSlicer 15 in SNR=4 3 pairs nights detection, in night 1 detection quad, in 3 pairs nights detection 30, 15 in 3 pairs nights detection SNR=5, 15 in 3 pairs nights detection, in 3 nights detection triplets 30, 15 in trailing 3 pairs nights, in 60 6 nights detections detection, detection Single, in 20 pairs nights 4 detection, 15 in 3 pairs nights SNR=0 detection, in trailing 3 pairs nights 30, 15 in SNR=3 3 pairs nights detection, pair detection Single loss Vatira

Plotting all of the cumulative completeness curves together.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Completeness over time

CompletenessOverTime MoObjSlicer NULL

Completeness over time, for H values indicated in legend.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Discovery

Chances of detecting activity covering X deg MoObjSlicer Vatira

Discovery_3x3in30 calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Chances of detecting activity lasting X days MoObjSlicer Vatira

Discovery_3x3in30 calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

MagicDiscovery MoObjSlicer Vatira 6 detections in 60 nights detection loss

MagicDiscovery calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: N Chances

DiscoveryNChances MoObjSlicer Vatira 3 pairs in 15 nights detection loss

Number of chances for discovery of objects

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: N Obs

NObs MoObjSlicer Vatira

NObs calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.

Group: Vatira; Subgroup: Obs Arc

ObsArc MoObjSlicer Vatira

ObsArc calculated on a MoObjSlicer basis.